What do TV, movie, and music companies have against youtube? ?
by cliff1066™
Question by SwimGuy: What do TV, movie, and music companies have against youtube? ?
I own many original CDs and DVDs. The thing these have in common is that I watched them and heard of them on… Continue reading
Rob Fusari will win in his lawsuit of $30 million dollars against Lady Gaga, who’s image he crafted (video)?
by PeterTea
Question by : Rob Fusari will win in his lawsuit of million dollars against Lady Gaga, who’s image he crafted (video)?
Rob Fusari is suing Lady Gaga for $ 30 million by claiming he crafted her image—that look… Continue reading
Q&A: If you are against BYB this is for you!!?
by Ken Lund
Question by Summer: If you are against BYB this is for you!!?
If you say that you are against backyard breeding, are you against responsible breeding, too? There are very good breeders out there and I… Continue reading
Q&A: If Yahoo music could get the Beatles would they have a big edge or only a tiny one against iTunes??
by StewartJames
Question by kroe_6: If Yahoo music could get the Beatles would they have a big edge or only a tiny one against iTunes??
Apple and Apple corp., the Beatles publishing company had a recent legal spat. Apple… Continue reading