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Can a contract be binding if there was only a advertising from a banner?

Question by bugstiger2002: Can a contract be binding if there was only a advertising from a banner?
Does someone have the right to advertise from a banner telling someone that they will win $ 5000.00 if they… Continue reading

Q&A: i need a sample contract form between advertising agency and advertiser for services?

Question by designerishtiaq: i need a sample contract form between advertising agency and advertiser for services?
for services includes – web hosting, designing, print advertising, brochures, news paper insertions, flyers, etc.,

Best answer:

Answer by briley_can


http://csdl2.computer.org/persagen/DLAbsToc.jsp?resourcePath=/dl/proceedings/&toc=comp/proceedings/scc/2006/2670/00/2670toc.xml&DOI=10.1109/SCC.2006.89… Continue reading

Q&A: looking for sample contract between two business advertising each others products?

Question by Stormi: looking for sample contract between two business advertising each others products?

Best answer:

Answer by Gaye
you can find it in tools on this website http://sitefinance2007.notlong.com/0AApUhw

Give your answer to this question below!

Promotion Tips for Musicians : Advertising Tips for Musicians

Advertising can be useful but is also dangerous so use it wisely. Learn how it can be dangerous and about some of the traps of advertising from a professional performer and writer in thisfree video. Expert: Peter Nevland Bio: Peter… Continue reading

I need a sample contract form between advertising agency and advertiser for services?

Question by Lina: I need a sample contract form between advertising agency and advertiser for services?

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. X
Here is a site where you can find sample contracts:


What… Continue reading