Discovery Abuse ??? Three Strikes . . . Dismissed
Discovery Abuse ??? Three Strikes . . . Dismissed
[T]here is such a thing as discovery karma. Lee v. Max International, LLC (10th Cir. May 3, 2011) Ev
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The artist in geek’s clothing
How science enabled… Continue reading
Jadakiss – Child Abuse *new 2009*

Jadakiss – Child Abuse *new 2009* By the age of 17, Jadakiss was a freestyle rapper engaging in competitions. He and some of his friends were given the opportunity to compete in the “Jack the Rapper Competition” in Florida, where… Continue reading
Group Alleges Abuse Because Of Sexual Orientation
Group Alleges Abuse Because Of Sexual Orientation
A civil rights complaint alleges systemic abuse and neglect of gay and transgender immigrants while in custody at facilities owned or contracted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
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