I HOPE YOU’LL LOVE THIS SONG THIS SONG WAS CHOSEN BY MR. ARAGON ONE OF THE PRODUCERS OF EMI MUSIC!! PLS SUPPORT ME!! I’M ON MY WAY TO MY LONG AWAITED DREAM!! LET ME TELL YOU A SHORT STORY HOW I CAME UP WITH EMI MUSIC!! AUGUST I WENT TO EMI MUSIC TO PASS MY SONG THE DAY AFTER THEY CALLED ME UP AND SAY THEY ARE SO INTERESTED WITH MY SONGS! MY THANK YOU’S First and foremost I want to thank God for giving me the talent to sing, to play guitar, to play piano, to play harmonica, to play the violin and of course I thank God for inspiring me to create beautiful music!!! Right now my world only evolves with great lyrics great melodies that resulted to my very kind of music. It’s so nice to live each day knowing tha I’m on my way touching the tip of my long long long awaited dream!!!! I’m proud to let all my youtube followers know that I’m now halfly part of EMI MUSCI PHIL.. The reason why I say hafly part, because I haven’t signed the contract yet!! But were currently recording my songs for radio sample purposes!!! They have plans of making me a solo Artist but I’m still thinking about it coz I don’t have the guts to sing on my own, but they told me I can bring my band but there planning in making me a front man.. We had a meeting 1st week of October, they said there were 3 producers who are really interested in helping me finish an album.. I got goose bumpss when Mr. Aragon told me that he really liked all my songs!! So they decided to record my original song “RADIO” as a radio …