should I write up a baby sitting contract, or should I just baby sit without all the paper work?
Question by Janis S: should I write up a baby sitting contract, or should I just baby sit without all the paper work?
I am not a lisenced child care provider but I need some way to make more money while staying at home with my toddler (I am a freelance writer as well)
I don’t know if I should write up a contract like a home daycare would?
I was going to make up a daily schedule, type up important information about your child sheet, emergency release forms, behavioral contract, emergency contact form etc. Or is that too much?
Best answer:
Answer by sharkyincanada
This all sounds very professional. I think it is a good idea to have all of that information in writing. It will protect you and the family you are working for.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!