Should I follow my dreams?
Question by MIDORI: Should I follow my dreams?
I am a second year student studying management with marketing at Royal Holloway University. I’ve realised that I have absolutely no passion for this course and I’m not getting good grades as I have no interest to proceed into doing management or marketing.
I have discovered a love and passion for film production and have found a great course at Bath Spa University, it is 2 years long and is taught by industry professionals.
The main reason I hate my current course is because the lecturers and seminar leaders are not fluent in the english language and don’t have much industry experience. It seems that some of them have just learned the syllabus and come to the UK to teach. The course is also really badly organised. I know I only have a year and half left of my degree but I know I can’t get even close to a 2.1 because I just don’t enjoy anything about the course.
Should I follow my dream and transfer to Bath Spa?
The career I would love to pursue is a video producer/director of music video productions, tv advertisements and even film trailers.
The course I would do is Broadcasting: process and production.
Best answer:
Answer by Jen
always follow your dreams.
but consider why you don’t like your major–is it really because of the material or the crappy profs?
it’s worth getting out of a major you can’t see yourself wanting a job with. that just leads to longer-term unhappiness. best of luck!
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