Sh Boom Night Club – Bay Area music events, Bay Area nightclubs, East Bay night clubs

Sh Boom nightclub – Bay Area music events, Bay Area nightclub Shboom night club is located in San Ramon, Ca. This night club is located near Tri Valley – surrounding areas include Danville, CA, Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, Walnut Creek and Alamo. Music hits from the 80’s, 90’s and modern hits, including classic rock, hip hop, and more… This video is presented for entertainment purposes only. We are not an affiliate, no vendor of this specific dance club. This video is presented by Bay Area Web Marketing – harnessing the power of the Internet to bring your business more customers! To learn how your business can triple revenues and surpass your competition through effective marketing online – Visit us at Start-Business-Website.Com. Our services include web site architecture design and promotion.
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Video Rating: 5 / 5