R&P: Is asking for somebody’s opinion about your music called “personal site promotion?”?
Question by Johnny Bliss: R&P: Is asking for somebody’s opinion about your music called “personal site promotion?”?
So yeah, I asked if people would like to hear my new album that came out, and now it’s been deleted, AND the appeal got rejected. Apparently I posted links (which I did) but I wasn’t trying to promote anything (I sent it so listeners could ACTUALLY HEAR IT!)
So, no rants or anything, I just want to know if this is right..
What I don’t get is that this question gets asked 5-10 times a day, yet it doesn’t get deleted…
Best answer:
Answer by Bolide ⌡Copy-and-Pastor⌠
Okay, now I’m curious as to what you think personal site promotion is.
As for me, personal site promotion rates a meh at worst, unless someone spams the site dozens of times a day, day after day. At best, as is the case with Bible Selector Jim (or whatever he calls himself) it provides a valuable boost to the Yahoo! Answers mission.
Plugging Sears Repair Professionals is a far graver offense than personal site promotion.
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