Q&A: Where can i print out a construction contract?
Question by mary_llinas: Where can i print out a construction contract?
My husband and i always do job for this one guy and somehow i always feel like we got the short end of the stick by the end of it all . This time we are doing some mayor work for him and i what him to sine a contract before we start . Does anyone know where i can get one printed out online for free? or can send me a template of one so i can save and copy?
Thank you
Best answer:
Answer by fisherman
you can goto an office supply and get a proposal sheet and it has a sheet of copy paper in it Write down everything to be done ,in detail and specify payment guidelines and there is usally prnted on it about any work done outside of secifications is over and above and will require additional costs etc…. pretty cheap but be careful if you havn’t used it before with this guy he may get uptight
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