Q&A: Starting a Nightclub/Music Venue?
Question by Kris K: Starting a Nightclub/Music Venue?
Ok so I am very young for being an entrepreneur in this field but you have to start sometime. Anyway, I am looking to start a two in one music venue and nightclub. I have a business plan formulated, genuinely interested investors, property and all the works.
Does anyone have any hands-on experience building something along these lines? This is a totally legit operation so advice would be greatly appreciated or anyone you could put me in contact with would be great.
Best answer:
Answer by Artie
Try asking the reference desk librarian for a book with all the information you are seeking to learn. I am sure that the insurance, licensing, permits, contracting, sub contracting, hiring employees, decor, utilities, kitchen, furnishings, and bars are pretty well documented areas in books and a viable need to you, you will need to study even a few success stories and take good notes so as to not make the mistakes others trying the same idea did before you. Best of luck.
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