Q&A: Since Kristy Lee Cook had a record contract before how is it that she was able to be on american idol?
Question by ohioguy4jc: Since Kristy Lee Cook had a record contract before how is it that she was able to be on american idol?
I thought there was a rule that if an artist had a contract that they weren’t eligible for american idol. I saw one of her old videos on youtube, it wasn’t bad but if she’s already been there on her own why is she trying to use american idol. I thought this show was supposed to be for singers who were previously undiscovered, nothing against kristy she was one of the best last night I am just a little confused on the rules. Then does she put her song devoted from her previous album on her new album if she wins. Can someone explain why she was allowed to participate in this show?
True Kristy Lee Cook didn’t have a record contract, she had 2!
Best answer:
Answer by ali03
so did carly smithson
they are allowed because the albums did not produce any hits
alot of the people that try out for american idol had contracts before
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