Q&A: Previous owner sees dollar signs and wants business back?
Question by Heavy Heart: Previous owner sees dollar signs and wants business back?
At least that is the way I see it. My husband has been working at a small liquor business for 15 or more years. He knows about the business backwards and front and has doubled its earnings since the previous years. Well, the previous owner never worked in the building itself and has always hired people to work for him. My husband being one of them. My husband was the assistant manager for awhile until the previous manager screwed everything up including the checkbook, thus my husband took over as manager. He has had to fix the mistakes that both the manager and previous owner made. Well, the owner had been so impressed with my hubby over the years that he decided that when he retired, he would sell it to my hubby. That has happened within the last year, thus my hubby feels a great deal of responsibility of trying to keep the previous owner happy. They have written a contract to follow for 5 years (including the owner getting some type of monthly payment) and then it would be fully ours. I am the co owner but I don’t have much say. Well a long story short, a business wanted to build on the property that the liquor store is on so they built my husband another new BIGGER store at no cost. It’s beautiful. Now the owner sees dollar signs and is trying to find unfair ways to get the business back by stating that my hubby has violated the contract in some ways including two employees selling to minors and having to fill in while my hubby and I were out of town on a family emergency. I refuse to sign this form he has made stating these violations because they are under extremely unfair terms even though I may not understand business. What can we do???
Best answer:
Answer by golferwhoworks
get an attorney as he may take this to court
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