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Q&A: Please Help…need advice on what to study for career.?

Question by Melissa: Please Help…need advice on what to study for career.?
I’m 18 yrs old and getting ready to start College. I’ve decided I want to work in the Music Industry. As possibly and artist manager, or publicist ( and one day start my own label *my dream* 🙂 ) but I’m not really sure what classes I need to take or how to go about it really. I was thinking I’d Major Business concentrating on management and minor in communications but I’m not 100% sure if those are the right courses to get me where I want to be. So if anyone can help me, and kind of point me in the right direction it would really help me out.

Also I’m going to try to intern at various labels. There is one not really far from where I live that I’d love to intern at but I have never had a job, and my resume really isn’t much and leaves much to be desired, do you think I should apply anyway, also what do you think are my chances?

Thanks sooo much (in advance) you don’t know how much better I’ll feel once I get this straightened out.

Best answer:

Answer by lovin_2beme
Talk to the counselor at the HS or at the local comm. College.

You can even take an aptitude test to see what you test out to do for a career.


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