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Q&A: Once I have a demo, what do I do?
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Q&A: Once I have a demo, what do I do?

Question by upgrading54321: Once I have a demo, what do I do?
I am currently in the process of recording my demo. I am very new to this music business and am not sure what my next step should be. Once I have the demo finished, what would be the next thing to do? Who do I contact? What types of people should I be in touch with? Where do I send it? Any help would be great! thank!

Best answer:

depending on what kind of music style i would suggest taking your demos to self owned clothing stores for example hip-hop/rap take it to an urban apparel store ans asked them if thy can give away your demo when some one buys something that way you get free promotion so just do that but find your demographic

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!