Q&A: Need help making a very serious decision?
Question by lafunkmob: Need help making a very serious decision?
So I am lucky enough to be given two opportunities in music.
Option 1:
I can either play with a band that is decently established and seems to be gaining more and more recognition very quickly. This band has label interest and has been offered 2 contracts that we have turned town, and has a 6 month cross country tour booked in addition to 2 small tours.
Option 2:
I can play in a band that is expected to take off. They have a contract offer from a major label and a recording advance. I was all excited and ready to get going. Until….. they told me that credit and band rights wouldn’t be divided up evenly. I would basically be compensated well and would be seen as a regular member, but wouldn’t receive songwriting credit and would paid at a completely different level than frontman.
Best answer:
Answer by leah <3
As long as your doing what you love it shouldnt matter, but I would personally go with option 2
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