Q&A: Music business and schools?
Question by Searbear91: Music business and schools?
I am looking to pursue a career in music. I would like to be some sort of tour/band manager or work in the music business in a recording studio or own a venue. As you can prob tell I am interested in music production and concerts. Any schools that offer good courses (but reasonably priced?) I know that getting your connections is the #1 priority but a education is ALWAYS helpful and allows something to fall back on! Thank for the advice 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Luap P
Work toward a 4 year degree, maybe 2 majors (or at least also a minor) in “Music Management” or “Managerial Economics” and Music. If you can add an MBA masters in business administration later, you’ll be more desirable to top-tier production studios and major labels.
According to Princeton Review, there are 76 schools offering a “Music Management” major
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