Q&A: If you guys had the opportunity to interview a music producer what would you ask him/her?
Question by ~daquin~: If you guys had the opportunity to interview a music producer what would you ask him/her?
I’m interviewing a big name music producer and I’m looking for some really good questions to ask the person. I don’t want the basic “How long have you been doing this?” and “What inspires you?”… Those questions are automatic. I’m looking for some question that are a little outside the box. Help me out ladies and gents. Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by Shane
What was it like to work with……some famous artist…
Oh really. yeah. that’s cool.
So, how much do you think you influenced ……some famous album.
Can you point to any part of ….album and say “that’s me.”
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!