Q&A: If it is illegal to download music from Limewire, why isn’t it illegal to copy LPs to cassette tapes?
Question by Hickemtwiddle: If it is illegal to download music from Limewire, why isn’t it illegal to copy LPs to cassette tapes?
And why isn’t it illegal to copy TV Programs and movies on to video tapes? It has been in the supreme court, many times, and they ruled that people have the right to copy such entertainment, as long as they use it for personal use, and not for distribution.
Apparently, many misunderstand. One can go to a public library, and borrow LP records and copy them to Cassette tapes. It is NOT stealing. It is for personal use. And by copying from Limewire, and using it for personal use, is NOT like copying thousands, or even hundreds of files. And YES, it has been ruled “LEGAL” to copy from LPs to cassettes and from TV to Video tapes.
Best answer:
Answer by Suzilicious
It’s legal to copy a LP for your own personal use. It is not legal to copy an LP to 1000 tapes and sell them.
It’s legal to make a back up copy of software cds etc also. The legality comes into play when you share these things with people who did not purchase them.
Therefore if you go to a site and download music you didn’t pay for and the royalties aren’t making it to who it belongs to it is pirating/stealing and illegal.
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