Q&A: i want to become a music producer but i need help?
Question by LITESKINHONEY: i want to become a music producer but i need help?
hey im 17yrs and i love old skool hip hop and soul.i want to become a producer because i got a passion for music i wanna be like Dr dre,Dj Premier,marley marl, Neptunes etcc i need to no how to start from the beginning,what to get and how to use it. appreciate any help peace
Best answer:
Answer by Tishmay
Yaay! We need more female producers in the industry!! I LOVE hip-hop music, too. It seems to me the easiest way to get started would be to start with your local hip-hop artists; find out who’s producing some of their music and ask if they can be your mentor or if you can join them in the studio to see how its done. You may be able to ask your local radio station if you could intern, that’s a good way to rub elbows with music entertainers. Or find a local record label and start from the bottom, like Diddy, and do some personal assisting and A&R type work. Good luck!
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