Q&A: How would I go about getting a job in Music Production?
Question by ~ [×]: How would I go about getting a job in Music Production?
So, I was thinking today.. and I really debated on going into Music Production, but not as a composer. I’ve realized that there’s a really good feeling in my soul when I tell an amateur composer that his music sounds really nice. I love going to concerts and supporting the bands I love in every way possible, ie; i don’t take pirated MP3s/WMAs/M4As from a pirate source, I buy all the songs legitimately. I want to be the guy that kinda just gives the band their big break, with the fancy suit and tie and they sign the contract and we all hug and have a big orgy party.
…but I have no idea where to start or how to get there, anything would be nice really from to what I should do in college [17, graduating next year from high school] to where I should start on the road to music production.
Thanks for your help, I’m really dedicated and if I feel this is what I really want to do, then I’ll go through with it.
Best answer:
Answer by jn
Go to clubs, and interview stars…say your with a company and gain legitimacy
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