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Q&A: How soon does the seller have to respond to an offer to purchase their home in MN?
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Q&A: How soon does the seller have to respond to an offer to purchase their home in MN?

business contract forms
by tom$

Question by mateosbaby: How soon does the seller have to respond to an offer to purchase their home in MN?
My husband and I offered to purchase a home last week, and we have heard nothing back. Evidently the sellers’ realtor can’t get ahold of them? It’s been 4 days, 2 business days. I can’t find anywhere in the contract (standard MN form) that specifies how quickly they have to respond before it becomes null and void. Does anyone know??? And if it is in the purchase agreement, what line might it be on?

Best answer:

Answer by Asa
you should see http://www.biznfin.com/
i hope it will be helpful in resolving your problem keep using answers.yahoo.com

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!