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Q&A: How come on like business papers and contracts, the wording is so difficult?

Question by Uria L: How come on like business papers and contracts, the wording is so difficult?
My parents are foreign and so they always have trouble understanding when they get bills and papers to sign. I don’t understand why these things have to be so hard to read. Wouldn’t it be easier if it was simply? Then they wouldn’t need help lines that often. And it would create much less future trouble.

Best answer:

Answer by Gabriel
I know what you mean. I’m Spanish, but my main language is English. I speak it fluently and it can still be overwhelming reading contracts, bills, etc. I think they should just make a bullet list of what they’re trying to say in layman’s terms instead of constructing long and forgetful sentences. Not only would it save us time, but it would probably also save paper!

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