Q&A: Alimony and divorce its complicated?
Question by MiSsPrIsS: Alimony and divorce its complicated?
ok so whats happening is a friend has been divorced and now all of a sudden his wife comes at him with a lawyer stating that she wants more money because he actually has money stashed away. Well during the marriage he we’ll name him Dan. Dan started to accrue money in a separate account so that he could purchase equipment for a recording studio. Well they got a divorce he started to pay her alimony ( the have no kids and were married for 10years) Well they decided to not accrue anymore debts and would keep the cell phone’s together otherwise they would need to pay 250 per phone to get out of the contract, once his ex-wife found out he was talking to a girl she got all defensive and started to talk to a laywer again stating that he had more money and that he was cheating on her during the marriage which is not true. so now they are trying to go after everything he has his house and land and i tried going on to the florida website for divorce info and it seemed as though there were no actual laws its was more of the desgression of the judge so I am trying to figure out anything that would help him at this point. Could he like transfer things over to another persons account or what anything would help at this time
the reason i am in it is because he asked me to, I am the girl he is with currently ok. and no he got the land after the divorce same goes for the house
Best answer:
Answer by Suz123
Offer him the name of a good attorney (if he doesn’t already have one). Then best thing you can do? Stay out of other people’s divorces. Back off, and mind your own business. Best thing to do is let the attorneys handle it.
Hiding assets is just plain wrong. Don’t get involved.
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