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Professional artists, a question about gallery contracts?
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Professional artists, a question about gallery contracts?

Question by someone: Professional artists, a question about gallery contracts?
I have been invited to sign a 12 month exclusive contract with a reputable gallery that has great national connections and exposure.(this is my first such experience)

If you were in this position what would your top five important issues be.

I would love artists with or without gallery experience to give a top five list of artist centered ideals, to aid in my brainstorming before negotiating this contract.

Of course I have my own….but I think I am in a position to affect a bit of change. (not ego-maniac…just in a unique demographic position in many ways)

Please tell me what you think!!!


Best answer:

Answer by hushcolours

Go to the Business Forum of the Wetcanvas site.
You have to become a member to participate, but you can always try to search the threads.
There are some users there that can give you some good advise.
http://wetcanvas.com/forums (scroll down to the Business Art – or is it Art Business ? – Forum ).

On the top of the site (at right) there’s a search option. But I don’t know if it’s available being sign out.

Good luck !


Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!