*NEW* Ultimate Showdown – Official Music Video
Lemon Demon – Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO Cast: Grant – Director, Filmer, Editor, Special Effects Manager Wilson Wu – Planner, Storyboard, Producer, Shot Management Nicky Chan – Special Effects Supervisor, Brainstormer, Contingency Planner Ultimate Showdown – Official Music Video www.youtube.com click that to check out my friends awesome geeky song !
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Mostiko Records presents MJay : Mujeres de la fiesta/Party Coming Summer 2010 ! Watch out for the 50/50 Konvict Muzik remix featuring Qwes Kross !!!! MjAy (Jamy Bagheri) Bio : This multi-talented artist has been making strides in Europe, winning awards in a variety of genres and media. His music composition spans an impressive array of styles, from popular music (everything from rock to R&B) to orchestral scores. But his talents aren’t limited to that which soothes the savage breast. He’s also a skilled producer and director. One could say he’s multi-lingual. MJ understands not only how to communicate through a rainbow of musical expressions, but he also has a firm grasp on the language of cinema. It makes him an ideal composer for cinema, his ultimate goal as an artist. By being an accomplished filmmaker and understanding the compositional technique needed to express one’s self via cinematically, he is that much more intimately aware of the aural needs of the film world. As a director, J. has honed his craft filming videos — sometimes for songs he wrote — giving him experience in a field in which visual and audio elements are intimately entwined. It’s a natural direction (one of many!) for this enthusiastic artist, and points to his bigger dream of carving a niche as a film composer. And he has already made strides in that direction, having penned the Great American Song Award-winning film score “Desert Sand.” Jamy began his quest at the age of 15, when he discovered …
Video Rating: 4 / 5