Name of song/artist, female one hit wonder in early 2000s, video is her dreaming about a day at school?
Question by kat_alloy: Name of song/artist, female one hit wonder in early 2000s, video is her dreaming about a day at school?
This song is from the early 2000s I think. Can’t remember the name of the girl or the song, but she was definitely a one hit wonder. The video starts out with her dreaming about school. There are the snooty popular girls and the goths/geeks. Every now and again in the video there are flashes of her dressed up as the stuck up girls, she’s wearing a huge blonde wig and wearing lots of pink, then sometimes there are parts with her dressed up as the goths. In the end of the video, a really cheesy music producer comes and makes a fuss over her, passing by the popular girls. The video ends with a shot of her still asleep dreaming, but she’s smiling. The ONLY lyric I know is that during the video when the popular girls are walking down the hall and the goths are walking down the other end (one of them holding a bat I think) and she is stuck in the middle and the music kind of stops and she says “so what if I don’t?” I think the artist was trying to fit in with Stacie Orrico or those kinds of girls. I have gone through the top 200 song of 2000 – 2005 and can’t see it in the list! Help me pleeeeeeease! It’s driving me crazy!
Best answer:
Answer by pandafcuk
britney spears 😀
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