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michael jackson (love him or hate him he just sold 750,000 tickets in 5 hours in london) your thoughts?
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michael jackson (love him or hate him he just sold 750,000 tickets in 5 hours in london) your thoughts?

Question by robertmeena1: michael jackson (love him or hate him he just sold 750,000 tickets in 5 hours in london) your thoughts?
this is unthinkable this man just sold out 50 shows in 5 hours. i read alot on the internet. im not really a big fan of his but for all the trash talking people make about him online- holy crap. this dudes has got fans!! i dont think there is anyone in the music world-anyone!! that could do this unless elvis and two of the beatles came back to life. i am impressed. if he pulls it off which i actually think he will. there will never be anything like this in live music history sorry guys but i have to give it to him. say what you want but thats the truth. even though im more of a rocker fan thumbs up on this one mj!!

Best answer:

Answer by donsfan
Great BUT will he show????????????????????????????

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