Looking for a female singer for a small album project?
Question by danielplatt22: Looking for a female singer for a small album project?
I’m 16 years old from the UK and looking for a female singer. If anyone would be interested in singing about 10 tracks over time I’ve wrote the lyrics for. The music is mainly 80s style pop/dance sounding tracks although you probably wouldn’t realise they’re 80s anyway. I could send the lyrics/music online and the vocals could be recorded (the better quality recording then the better the song will sound) and when they’re sent back, i’ll mix the vocals with the music and send them back to you. Eventually there would an album of 10 tracks which would be something nice to have. This would be done online only. I’m not a professional musician by any means but this is just one of my hobbies. I don’t make money from this, I ain’t selling them, this is just a project for fun really. In the end I can make an album cover, booklet etc with the 10 tracks. If you have a youtube vid etc or something to hear your singing that would be great. Thanks.
Here is a sample of some tracks – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y4WIL5JDgQ
Best answer:
Answer by Dave LaBuda
I know a few female singers who are looking for music. I’ll pass this link along to them …
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