Is Today’s Music Bad, or Are We Just Being Pessimists?
Question by Gabe M: Is Today’s Music Bad, or Are We Just Being Pessimists?
I’m a music fan. I enjoy music, and someday I may pursue a career as an artist. I enjoyed lots of modern music in my childhood. I was a fan of the top 40 hits, boy bands (I wanted to be the black member of N’Sync, lol), and everything else under the sun. When I entered high school, I started turning towards older music I never had the chance to listen too. Soon, I wondered about how awesome it would be if I was a teenager during the age of New Jack Swing and the prime of Marvin Gaye’s career.
My question is: Is today’s music really bad, or are many people (myself included) ask too much out of today’s industry? On one hand, today’s music still sells, and times always change. Who are we to stop that from happening. On the other hand, I personally feel that the industry itself has changed to the point where producers who care solely about the profit of their product are screaming out their true colors to those who look into things.
What side are you on when it gets to the quality of today’s music? (I’m thinking mainstream, so if I’m not being broad enough, feel free to scold me for not looking hard enough, I probably deserve it)
Best answer:
Answer by Sam M
Today’s music is awsome, most generations had to make do with one genre while today there’s so much recent stuff to choose from!
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