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Is there such a thing as a 30 day termination clause after living in an apartment for more than a year...?
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Is there such a thing as a 30 day termination clause after living in an apartment for more than a year…?

Question by carolynward20: Is there such a thing as a 30 day termination clause after living in an apartment for more than a year…?
Someone told me they were able to get in writing, a 30 day termination clause when they signed for their next year’s rental agreement. My contract needs renewing but I don’t want to go month to month because it will raise my rent by $ 150 a month. I may be moving this summer but I’m not even sure if I will be able to swing this and will have to stay throughout the year’s contract. Paying $ 150 more a month on just a hope of moving seems extravagant but also paying over a $ 1500 for breaking a yearly lease, is also pricey … am I between the rock and the hard place? Oh by the way, I am a musician in the state of Florida, with iffy employment, causing me to live on the edge.

Best answer:

Answer by Ron Berue
Ask for a 3 month lease with a 30 day notice to terminate.

Your argument/point of view could be:
“Late spring and summer are the prime times for folks to find rental properties. The children are out of school, folks go on vacation and the property doesn’t have to be heated.”

Its a solid base for discussion.

THE WORSE any one will tell you is, “No” AND the rent is raised. Other than in love and romance, “No” never hurt any one.

AT BEST, you’ll get that re-negotiated lease – without any rent increase.

OR you could agree on some terms and rent in the middle.

Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it!

Ron Berue
Yes, that is my real last name!

Add your own answer in the comments!