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How do I sell music downloads on my own site?

Question by gr8designr: How do I sell music downloads on my own site?
I’d like some advice about selling downloads of my songs on my own site. Are there cart templates available for this?

Best answer:

Answer by myfavoritedrummer
One example is:
You can upload and sell MP3s (along with CDs, shirts, and any other merch that you already have). It’s free to set up your store, you can post an unlimited number of items, and the site doesn’t profit from your sales. However, the checkout system uses PayPal, and their minimal transaction fees are about 2.9% + 30 cents for the sale, so if you sell an MP3 for $ 0.99, you’ll get around $ 0.66. lets you take the code for your entire store and paste it into your own .COM website, so you can sell directly from there.

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