Hello. I need help on becoming a music artist/producer.?
Question by Breezi: Hello. I need help on becoming a music artist/producer.?
Well i don’t have much experience, i’m quite young, still in school, but i was looking at my career options. I’m specifically intersested in the R&B and Hip-Hop Gene. The only experience i have is a coupla months of Fruity loops. My beats aren’t that good, but i’m slowly improving….. oh yeah i also take violin lessons. been goin 4 5 years. thanks in advance
Best answer:
Answer by richard t
You need to get experience and it sounds like you are to young to go to clubs. So, learn, read and study what’s going on in the business of music. If you can’t play you should at least know something about how to play. Like seeds, music grows; study the roots of music.
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