Francis Rimbert – French Kiss

….Francis Rimbert (born October 3 1952 in Val d’Oise, France) is a French musician and composer. Biography Francis Rimbert started playing classical piano when he was 5 years old. At the conservatory, he studied harmony, counterpoint, the fugue and orchestral leading. He won first prize in piano and moved onto Paris where he become a salesman, working in a music store which by chance imported synthesizers, at a time when nobody has sold such before. He became interested in those electronic instruments. In collaboration with Korg, they created a new concept which had not existed ever before: Francis took the stage (Theatre des Champs Elysées — Paris) solo, surrounded by all his synthesizers (“Bionic Orchestra”, 1979). He will be the go-to man for both Roland and Ensoniq trades. A talented musician, Francis wasted little time getting to meet another master of the synthesizer: Jean Michel Jarre, through their mutual friend Michel Geiss. Meeting in 1979 for the concert in Place de La Concorde, Paris, they began a long collaboration. Since the 1986 Rendez-vous Houston concert, Francis has been at Jarre’s side on grand stages. Aside from his work on various albums for Jarre, Francis has created several works of sonic illustration. Synthesizers are the prolongation of the fingers of a sensitive musician who uses electronic instruments to articulate his melodic talent, a talent which helped him win first prize at the international festival of electronic music in Tokyo in 1988 …
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