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Fake Yellow Pages Invoice?
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Fake Yellow Pages Invoice?

Question by Epik: Fake Yellow Pages Invoice?
Yesterday, my mother received a fax at her business from a company called “The Official Yellow Pages”. It said that if she didn’t pay the $ 399 in 24 hours, interest would accrue.

I called the representative and told her that my mother had already payed for the Yellow Book through 2008. Then the representative says, “Oh, that’s the Yellow Book, we are ‘The Official Yellow Pages’, ours is printed every year, and we have your mother on audio saying she agrees to the contract, it’s already printing in June and all the templates are done so you can not back out now.”

Wow what a load of BS. I’m pretty sure this is one of those scam yellow pages companies. They even have the same logo as the Yellow Book on the faxed invoice.

I was just wondering if anyone else has had any experience with something like this and how they dealt with it. My mother doesn’t speak English very well, and she thought she was agreeing for advertisement in the official Yellow Book.

Can she just not pay?

Best answer:

Answer by jb2261
It sounds like a scam to me. I did a search of their name to try and find a website, but nothing credible came up. Is this the first one she received? No legit company is going to demand payment for something within 24 hours. Most companies have a term of 30 days or something like that. You can always contacts the better business bureau in your state and ask if they have had any complaints of find out if there is a company registered under that name.

Also, you can call them back and ask them for their legal entity name (some companies operate under a name other than their legal name) and then do a search for the legal entity name to ensure legitimacy of the business.

However, overall it sounds like a scam to me.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!