Do you have to go to university to become a musician?
Question by Haley M: Do you have to go to university to become a musician?
I just had a singing/piano lesson with my teacher, and she said that the music industry is hard to get into, which i was already fully aware of. And i asked her ” Do you have to do a levels and have a degree to become a musician? ” and she said no, but it’s harder on your own since you get given contacts in university etc.
And i told her that some people become musicians just from promoting themselves on the internet ( youtube, myspace and facebook ). She didn’t seem to say much about that but she did say her friends have been trying to go on tour for years and only now have they just begun a tour. ( in there early 30’s )
SO. This has left me completely confused because music is my passion for a multitude of reasons. But my plan was to go and study science in a level and university and make music in all my spare time and then promote it on the internet.
I’m only 15, but i song write daily, and have been singing and playing the piano for a long time now. But hearing this just make me doubt myself again. How likely is it i can pursue a music career is i do not study it in education?
Best answer:
Answer by Tortuga
I can’t say much, because you’ve said it all yourself.
My only question is, why do you want to study science when you have such a passion for music?
This may sound a bit cheesy, but I think you should follow your heart, not your mind.
Make a youtube channel. I mean, what have you got to loose?
I think, personally, you should go to university and study music. You may as well end up doing something you love, weather or not you become famous.
To persue a music career, you need to go to university, and I really think you should. Don’t doubt yourself, because you’ll never get anywhere if you do.
Hope I help 🙂
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