Do i have a good voice? Idk if i should go to a school for music or a business school ?
Question by Radha Balgangadhar: Do i have a good voice? Idk if i should go to a school for music or a business school ?
i just want to know what you guys thought of my voice b/c i have to decide what school i should go to.
it’s between NYU Steinhardt and penn state smeal and i really don’t know what to do
my parents want me to go to smeal b/c its more practical but i want to go to steinhardt. what do you think?
that’s me singing but don’t watch the other one b/c its bad 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Rayina
i love you so much more after watching these videos.
you are a shining star in a sea of emo-flushing groupies.
or rather you are a emo flushing groupie.
but you’re a shining star.
words can’t describe mon ami. ;]
askgjlskefjw;lkfjgasl;fjalw;jeflwsjflakskjflkkasjfl; KAMZY YOU ARE LIFE.
btw chasing pavements!!!!! ohhhhhhhhhh yeah.
allah w/you always child. allah with you always.
oh and uh business deff. these videos prove your mad business skills
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