Assignment of Interest Release – Partner Expelled
(Partner Expelled from Agreement) Short Form
There are moments in an occasional business relationship where it is felt by the other Partners that a Named Partner is to be ejected from the Partnership. This is a serious business move. Your Lawyer and Accountant should be advising the Partners.
This Assignment of Interest and Release has a clause stating the reason for expulsion of the Partner, the compensation to be received for expulsion and an assignment of Rights amongst other clauses.
This Agreement is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. This is a “Short Form” four page, eight clause legal Agreement. The Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.

Assignment of Interest and Release – Notarized (Partner Expelled from Agreement)
Partner being Expelled: ____________________________________________ (print names) Date of Expulsion from Partnership: __________________________________ Original Partnership Name: ________________________________________ Date of Origin Partnership Agreement: _______________________________ Remaining Partners Names: _______________________________________ New Partnership Name: ___________________________________________ 1. This Agreement is between the above named Partner being expelled from the Partnership (hereafter called the “Expelled Partner”), and the above named remaining partners (herein after called the “Remaining Partners”), to assign the Interests of the Expelled Partner and to Release the Expelled Partner from the Partnership. 2. The reason(s) for the expulsion of the Expelled Partner are detailed in Appendix “A” attached. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES THAT in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained and subject to the terms and conditions hereafter set out, the parties hereto agree as follows: 3. The Expelled Partner understands that she/he shall receive ______________ compensation for her/his share/interest in the Original Partnership at the Date of Expulsion. 4. The Expelled Partner further understand that by accepting this one time compensation and granting this permission the Expelled Partner is transferring the assets and liabilities of the Partnership to the Remaining Partners: and is irrevocably giving up all rights and claims to monetary compensation and or any other compensation of any kind now and for any future uses of the new Partnership or the Partnership Remaining Partners and/or future Partners, heirs, successors or assigns. 5. The Expelled Partner agrees that that she/he shall keep confident and will not disclose any information owned or licensed by and/or used by . . . continuedCo-Production Agreement – Music Project
Co-Production Agreement
Music Project
An Independent music Producer/Director/Investor may find it convenient to work with another/multiple Producer(s) to Co-Produce a music Project. It is important to know your Co-Producer’s experiences before negotiating.
One of the first music contract negotiating points is the role and obligations of each Co-Producer in production of the Project. Another music contract consideration amongst others is the ownership share and benefits from the production of the Project and the financial risk of each Co-Producer.
This is a comprehensively drafted four page, twelve clause legal music contract with music contract Clauses regarding but not limited to: budgeting for the Project, consultative and administrative duties, Project distribution and arbitration.
This music contract Agreement between the independent music Co-Producers is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.

Co-Production Music Project
Producer(s) Name: ______________________________________________ (Print Names) _____________________________________________ Producer Company: ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Producer(s) Name: _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Producer Company: ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Project Name: ___________________________________________________ Project Genre: ___________________________________________________ (film, music video, stage production, song, CD, music DVD, etc) Herein this Agreement the Independent Music Producer is called the “Producer”. 1. The Producers named above and signed below (hereafter called the “ Co-Producers”) will use their/its best efforts to obtain financing for the production financing for the above named Project and shall exercise sole and exclusive control over the disbursement of monies for all production, marketing and distribution expenses. 2. The Co-Producers shall arrange for the facilities, equipment and personnel needed for the production of the Project, within the limits of the budget as set profit sharing, forth in Exhibit “A”, attached hereto. Nothing in this Agreement . . . continued 8. The Co-Producers are entering into this Agreement as independent contractors, and neither Party shall have the Right to bind the other . . . continued 11. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of ________________________________________________________________ (county, state, province, country), applicable to agreements executed and to be wholly performed therein. The Parties shall have the Right to engage . . . continuedFinders Fee – Project Financing
The Independent musician, singer/vocalist or band seldom have the funds to complete her/his/their Project. Financing Intermediaries, or Finders in the financial parlance, help to raise the necessary Project funding.
A Finder’s Fee is the compensation given to an intermediary in a business transaction. Such compensation is common in business and is regulated by contractual agreements and law.
This music contract is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. This is a “Short Form” one page, six clause legal Agreement. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.

Financing Finder’s Fee Agreement (Short Form)
Financing Finder(s): ______________________________________________ (Print Name) Producer(s): ___________________________________________________ Production Company: ____________________________________________ Project Name: __________________________________________________ Project Genre: __________________________________________________ (film, music video, documentary etc.) Herein this Agreement the independent musician or singer/vocalist or band is called the “Producer”. 1. The Financing Finder agrees not to participate in or conduct any negotiations with prospects, or solicit loans for nor on behalf of the Producer. 2. Financing Finder hereby delivers to the Producer the name and . . . continuedGuarantee (Notarized)
An Independent Project can be a risky business. Any one making a loan to an Independent Musician, band r Singer/Vocalist will probably require a Guarantee signed by a Guarantor. The situation in which a Guarantee is most typically required is when the ability of the borrower to perform her/his/their obligations under a music contract Agreement is in question, or when there is some public or private interest, which requires protection from the consequences of the borrower’s default or delinquency.
A Guarantor is the person(s) who agrees to be responsible (guarantees payment) for the debt or obligation of another, the Independent Filmmaker/Producer/Investor.
This music contract Agreement is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. This is a “Short Form” one page legal music contract Agreement. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.

Guarantee (Notarized)
Guarantor Name: __________________________________________ (print names) Borrower name: ___________________________________________ Loan amount: ____________________________________________ Payee Name: _____________________________________________ The Guarantor, ______________________________________, hereby guarantees full payment of the above loan including any and all interest. Grantor agrees that the Payee may proceed against the Guarantor directly and independently of the Borrower, and that . . . continued Herein Notarized: Notary name: __________________________________________________ (print names) Jurisdiction: ___________________________________________________ BE IT KNOWN TO ALL PERSONS: On the _________ day of _________________, 20___, before . . . continuedJoint Venture Agreement
A Joint Venture is an entity formed between two or more parties to undertake economic Project together. The parties agree to create a Joint Venture by both contributing financial funds for the Project. The parties to the joint Venture then share in the revenues, expenses, and control of the enterprise.
The phrase generally refers to the purpose of the entity and not to a type of entity. Therefore, a joint venture may be a corporation, limited liability partnership or other legal structure, depending on a number of considerations such as tax and tort liability.
This Joint Venture music contract Agreement is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. This is a “Short Form” two page, nine clause legal music contract Agreement. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.

Joint Venture Agreement (Short Form)
Joint Venturer: __________________________________________ (Print Names) Joint Venturer: __________________________________________ Project Name: __________________________________________ Project Genre: __________________________________________ (film, music video, stage production) 1. The Joint Ventures names mentioned above shall be known as the “Joint Venturers” in this Agreement. 2. The Joint Venturers have agreed to make contributions to a common fund for the purpose of financing the above named Project. It is therefore agreed: 3. Purpose. The Joint Venturers form this joint venture to finance the above named Project in common and to provide the business guidance required for the Project. To the extent set forth in this Agreement, each of the Joint Venturers shall own an undivided fractional part in the business. 4. Contributions. Each of the Joint Venturers, for the purpose of this joint venture, contribute the sum set after the name of each Joint Venturer as follows: Joint Venturer __________________________ Contribution ______________ Joint Venturer __________________________ Contribution ______________ For the total contribution to the Project financing of ______________________ 5. Expenses of Venture. All losses and disbursements incurred by the Agent in acquiring, holding and protecting the business interest and the net profits shall, during the period of the venture, be paid by . . . continuedJoint Venture Dissolution
When partners decide to dissolve a Joint Venture they may need to resolve outstanding issues, including the division of partnership property.
This Dissolution of Joint Venture Agreement is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. This is a four page, seventeen clause legal music contract Agreement. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.

Agreement to Dissolve Joint Venture
Joint Venture Participants: __________________________________________ (Print Names) Joint Venture Participants: __________________________________________ Joint Venture Participants: __________________________________________ Project Name: ___________________________________________________ Project Genre: ___________________________________________________ (film, music video, stage production) 1. The Joint Venture Participants names mentioned above shall be known as the “Joint Venturer Participants” in this Dissolution Agreement. 2. This Dissolution of the Joint Venture is to dissolve Joint Venture Agreement previously signed by the above named Joint Venturer Participants regarding their involvement with the above named “Project”. 3. Any and all historical data, photographs, audio tapes, literature, films, videos including costumes and sets and any and all Equipment purchased during the Joint Venturer with funds from and/or for and on behalf of the Joint Venturer and to do with the above named Project shall be distributed and become the property of the Joint Venturer Participants as detailed in Appendix “A”. 4. Copyright for the Project shall be held by the Joint Venturer Participant(s) named: __________________________________________________ in the percentage(s) of __________________________________________%. 5. The above named Joint Venturer Participants shall have the Right to inspect and copy the books and records maintained by the Joint Venturer Accountant and/or Accounting Firm. And the Joint Venturer Participants s shall retain the services of a Certified (Public) Accountant to prepare a Dissolution Financial Reports for all expenditures and revenues from the Project, and to file any and all government forms on Dissolution. 6. Neither Joint Venturer Participants may assign their Rights and obligations pursuant to this Dissolution Agreement without the prior written consent of the other. 7. The Joint Venturer Participants are entering into this Dissolution Agreement as independent contractors, and neither Joint Venturer Participants shall have the Right to bind the other(s) without the express written consent . . . continuedPromissory Note – Installment Re-payments
A Promissory Note is used when a Borrower borrows money from the Lender/Investor, from another person or from a Financial Institution. The Borrower agrees to repay the Loan according to the terms of the Promissory Note. If the Note is unsecured, there is no collateral other than the promise of the Borrower to pay back the Loan. Your Lawyer will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situations and circumstances.
Lenders/investor’s should consider their investment with caution because Loans to Independent Filmmakers/Producers are risky. As a debt instrument, a promissory note is not a security. The borrower is entitled to a return of his money plus interest.
A clause guaranteeing repayment of this promissory note is a Guarantee signed by another person or company. If the Borrower fails to repay the loan, the Lender can proceed against the Guarantor for repayment.
This Agreement is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. This is a three page, fourteen clause legal Agreement. The Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.
There are two forms of this Agreement.
Promissory Note with Guarantee

Promissory Note (with Guarantee)
Borrower Name: _____________________________________________ (Print Names) Principal Amount: ____________________________________________ Term: _____________________________________________________ Payee: _____________________________________________________ Address for Payment: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Project Name: _______________________________________________ Project Genre: _______________________________________________ (film, music video, stage play, documentary etc.) 1. Annual interest rate on matured, unpaid amounts shall be the maximum amount permitted by the Laws of __________________________________. (state, province, country) 2. This Note is due and payable with __________ monthly payments in total with each and every payment being an equal monthly payment of _____________ principle. The first such payment due and payable on the __________ day of _____________________, 20____, and a like installment shall be due and payable on the same day of each succeeding month thereafter until the total principal of __________________ is paid in full. If each payment is not paid on time, the remaining balance will be subject to the maximum amount of interest permitted by the Laws _______________________________. (state, province, country) 3. Borrower reserves the right to prepay this Note in whole or in part, prior to maturity, without penalty. 4. Borrower promises to pay to the order of Payee at the place for payment and according to the terms for . . . continued 10. If any provision of this Note or the application thereof shall, for any reason and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, neither the remainder of this Note nor the application of the provision to other persons, entities or circumstances shall be affected . . . continued