Concert/Gig Contract
Concert/Gig Contract
(Promoter Insurance)
The principal reason for a concert is the opportunity for the musicians and singers to perform in front of an audience while even the most purely artistic of endeavors will see gains. Concerts provide musicians and singers much needed exposure to the buying public. An attendee/fan will probably see the musicians and singers perform again if the concert was worthwhile and may even purchase performer merchandise. Recording artists usually go on tours to promote record sales and introduce their fans to new musical compositions and new merchandise.
This is a comprehensively drafted nine page, twenty-0ne clause legal music contract with Clauses regarding but not limited to: liability insurance drugs and alcohol, compensation, promotion, parking and dressing rooms.
This music contract Agreement between the independent musician/singer/band and the Promoter is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.
There are two forms of this music contract Agreement. The first music contract the performer is paid for services rendered. The second music contract the performer is not compensated in the form of cash funds but benefits from exposure of the performer’s talents at the concert/gig.
Concert/Gig Technical Arrangements Rider – Entertainer Performance Contract
Entertainer Performance Contract
An Artist, band or group will want advanced control over many aspects of her/his/their appearance and performance at a concert or Gig.
This comprehensively drafted eleven page, twenty-six clause music contract Agreement includes but is not limited to the following legal music contract clauses: dressing/Green rooms, parking, security and privacy, compensation, promoter insurance, rehearsals and technical staff including stage hands, lighting, sound and publicity.
This music contract Agreement between the independent Artist and the Promote is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.

Concert/Gig Technical Arrangements Rider Entertainer Performance Contract
Entertainer Name: _________________________________________________ (Musician, Singer, Band, Group, etc – print name) Area of Entertainment: _____________________________________________ Agency/Management of Entertainer: ___________________________________ Promoter Name: __________________________________________________ Promoter Company: _______________________________________________ Gig Date: _______________________________________________________ Performance location: _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ This Agreement is entered into between the above named and below signed Entertainer (hereafter called the Entertainer”), and the above named and below signed Promoter and Promoter Company (hereafter called the “Promoter ”). The Entertainer requests and the Promoter agrees to provide the following technical arrangements necessary before, during and after the performance at the above named Gig. 1. The Promoter hereby warrants that the room(s), concert hall, park, field, stadium (hereafter called the “Performance Location”) is of a safe and satisfactory condition for the Gig. All rooms, hallways, lavatory facilities, showers etc. shall be clean, private, and secure for the Entertainer. The Promoter shall provide ______________________________________________ separate, changing rooms (herein called the “Green Room”) that are not accessible by the public. If the change rooms are in any manner whatsoever accessible to the public the Promoter will provide adequate bonded security personnel to maintain the Entertainer’s safety and privacy and security for any and all vehicles, instruments and equipment. 2. Each Green Room must have make-up lights and mirrors, chairs and tables, costume rack, nearby lavatory and sink, and be situated close to the stage. The Green Rooms are to be heated or cooled to the Entertainer’s or the Entertainer’s representative’s satisfaction. The Promoter must also supply the Entertainer’s Green Room(s) with all items listed in Appendix “A”, including . . . continued 4. The Promoter shall carry any and all Injury and Liability Insurance for the Performer on any and all activities and attendance of the Entertainer at the Gig, including any and all insurance coverage that may be required to cover any and all other Personnel, Participant and/or concert Attendee, on the Stage, Backstage and/or any and all. . . continued 23. The Entertainer represents that she/he/they are free to enter into this Agreement, and that this Gig does not violate the terms of any other Agreement between the Entertainer and any . . . continuedConcert/Gig Technical Arrangements Rider – Minor Entertainer Performance Contract (Parent/Guardian Signature)
Minor Entertainer Performance Contract
Parent/Guardian Signature
An Artist, band or group will want advanced control over many aspects of her/his/their appearance and performance at a concert or Gig.
Employment of Minor Musicians raises special concerns because Minors can repudiate contracts. An Employer cannot enforce a disaffirmed contract. In hiring a minor, the Employer must also comply with provisions of the Labor Codes of the Jurisdiction and regulations of any Labor Commission.
Minors cannot perform work that is hazardous or detrimental to their health, safety, morals or education. The Minor must have her/his contract signed by her/his Parent/Guardian. The Minor must have a Parent or Guardian on the set or qualified supervision.
Due to the Rights that arise on any Minor Artist reaching the age of majority an individual Agreement should be signed with each and every Minor Artist.
This comprehensively drafted twelve page legal music contract Agreement includes but is not limited to the following legal music contract clauses: dressing/Green rooms, parking, security and privacy, compensation, promoter insurance, rehearsals and technical staff including stage hands, lighting, sound and publicity.
This music Agreement between the independent Artist and the Promote is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.

Concert/Gig Technical Arrangements Rider Minor Entertainer Performance Contract (Parent/Guardian Signature)
Minor Entertainer Name: ____________________________________________ (Musician, Singer, Band, Group, etc – print name) Area of Entertainment: _____________________________________________ Agency/Management of Minor Entertainer: ______________________________ Promoter Name: __________________________________________________ Promoter Company: _______________________________________________ Gig Date: _______________________________________________________ Performance location: _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ This Agreement is entered into between the above named and below signed Minor Entertainer (hereafter called the Minor Entertainer”), and the above named and below signed Promoter and Promoter Company (hereafter called the “Promoter ”). The Minor Entertainer requests and the Promoter agree to provide the following technical arrangements necessary before, during and after the performance at the above named Gig. 1. The Promoter hereby warrants that the room(s), concert hall, park, field, stadium (hereafter called the “Performance Location”) is of a safe and satisfactory condition for the Gig. All rooms, hallways, lavatory facilities, showers etc. shall be clean, private, and secure for the Minor Entertainer. The Promoter shall provide ______________________________________________ separate, changing rooms (herein called the “Green Room”) that are not accessible by the public. If the change rooms are in any manner whatsoever accessible to the public the Promoter will provide adequate bonded security personnel to maintain . . . continued 4. The Promoter shall carry any and all Injury and Liability Insurance for the Performer on any and all activities and attendance of the Minor Entertainer at the Gig, including any and all insurance coverage that may be required to cover any and all other Personnel, Participant and/or concert Attendee, on the Stage, Backstage and/or any and all places on the Gig Location. The Minor Entertainer shall have the Right to inspect the Promoter’s insurance coverage before any and all . . . continued 9. The Promoter shall employ a Technical Advisor familiar with and knowledgeable about the performance location including the facility’s electrical capabilities, sound system (if any), lighting . . . continued 12. The minimum requirements for stage are ___________________ feet/meters wide by _____________________________ feet/meters deep. The stage surface must be safe and accessible over the complete surface without any obstruction (such as, but not limited to nails, hooks, broken floor boards, overhead curtains, electrical outlets, scenery, poles, ropes and wires, etc.). All of . . . continued Be it known to all that the Parent/Guardian agrees: The above named and below signed Parent/Guardian on behalf of the above named Minor Artist, hereby warrants to the Producer and her/his present and future grantees, and their respective agents, designees, successors and assigns that: 26. The Parent/Guardian hereby warrants that the Parent/Guardian is over the age of majority and that the Parent/Guardian has the relationship set . . . continuedConcerts and Gigs – No Compensation

Concert/Gig – For Pay (Promoter Insurance)
Performer Name: _______________________________________________ (Print Names) Manager Name: ________________________________________________ Promoter(s) Name: ______________________________________________ Promoter Company: _____________________________________________ Concert/Gig Date ________________________________________, 20 ____ Concert/Gig location: ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ The Independent Band, Independent Singer(s) and Independent Musician(s) herein this Agreement are the “Performer”. This Concert/Gig Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between the above named and below signed Promoter(s) and Promoter Company (hereafter called the “Promoter”), and the above named and below signed Performer(s) and Manager (hereafter called the “Performer”). Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Promoter hereby engages the Performer as an “Independent Performer” to perform the services set forth herein, and the Performer hereby accepts such engagement. 1. The Promoter hereby engages the Performer to render services in conjunction with the above named Concert/Gig (hereafter called the “Gig”), to perform such activities as required by the Promoter and detailed in Appendix “A. 2. The Promoter shall carry any and all Injury and Liability Insurance for the Performer on any and all activities listed in Appendix “A” including any and all insurance coverage that may be required to cover any and all other Personnel, Participant and/or concert Attendee, on the Stage, Backstage and/or any and all places on the Gig Location. The Performer shall have the Right to inspect the Promoter’s insurance coverage before any and all activities detailed in Appendix “A” are performed. This is a condition to this Agreement and agreed by all Parties to this Agreement and inadequate or no insurance will void this a Agreement instantly. 3. The Performer and the Promoter shall not sign any contracts for or on behalf of the other . . . continued 9.The Promoter shall be entitled to advertise and promote the appearance of the Performer at the Gig. The Performer acknowledges that the Performer will rely on the terms hereof in all such promotions and advertising and in the brochures to be printed setting forth the names, dates and times of all Gigs to be . . . continued 17. No person including the Promoter, employees, volunteers and any attendee at the Gig must not record the Gig by any means whatsoever. If at the Gig any person undertakes to operate any recording equipment, the Promoter and her/his/their Security shall immediately thereafter confiscate and . . . continuedExclusive Sponsorship Agreement
Band, Singer, Musician, Dancer
Tour/Concert /Gig
As an independent band, independent singer, independent musician or independent dancer you will want one businesses or company to sponsor your concert or Gig, exclusive to any and all others.
This exclusive music contract Agreement details the Performer’s obligations regarding the Sponsor’s official logo, Sponsor’s reference on Performer’s merchandise including posters and T-shirts, identification phraseology (Sponsor’s “Hook”), Sponsor’s responsibilities, promotion, and exclusive use of Sponsor’s product(s) only by the Performer and staff.
This is a comprehensively drafted thirteen page, forty-four clause legal music contract with music contract Clauses regarding but not limited to: rehearsal locations, concert Hall/Gig location including staffing and insurance, stage hands, sound and lighting, advertising, merchandise sales, drugs and alcohol, copyright non-infringement, dressing rooms, compensation and security.
This Exclusive Sponsorship music contract Agreement is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.
There are two forms of this music contract Agreement. The one music contract Agreement the Performer provides a performance gratis with Rights for Performer merchandise sales. The second music contract Agreement the Performer is paid for their performance and has Rights regarding Performer merchandise sales.
Exclusive Sponsorship Agreement Band, Singer, Musician, Dancer Tour/Concert /Gig

Exclusive Sponsorship Agreement – for Pay Band, Singer, Musician, Dancer Tour/Concert/Gig
Performer Name: _______________________________________________ (Print Names) Performer Management Name: ______________________________________ Exclusive Sponsor(s) Name: _______________________________________ Exclusive Sponsor(s) Company: _____________________________________ Exclusive Sponsor(s) Representative(s) : ______________________________ Tour/Concert/Gig name: ___________________________________________ Tour/Concert/Gig Date(s) __________________________________, 20 ____ Concert/Gig location: ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ The Independent Band, Independent Singer(s), Independent Dancer(s) and Independent Musician(s) herein this Agreement are referred to as the “Performer”. This Sponsorship Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) for the above named Concert/Gig is entered into by and between the above named and below signed the Exclusive Sponsor(s) and the Sponsor(s) Company (hereafter called the “Sponsor”), and the above named and below signed Performer(s) and Performer’s Management (hereafter called the “Performer”). Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Sponsor hereby engages the Performer as an “Independent Performer” to perform the services set forth herein, and the Performer hereby accepts such Gig. 1. The Sponsor shall be the “Exclusive Sponsor”, of the Tour/Concert/Gig (herein after called the “Gig”). No other Third Party (e.g. car or beer company, a local radio station or product manufacturer, etc.) may be listed or mentioned as a sponsor or presenter of the Performer and/or the Gig. 2. An official logo, catch phrase, saying or some other appropriate identification phraseology (hereafter called the “Hook”), shall be developed for the Performer by the Performer, unless otherwise agreed, which shall be subject to the approval of the Sponsor. The Hook shall refer to the Sponsor (in first position), and the Performer second, (e.g. Sponsor presents Performer). Such Hook, where applicable, shall be prominently included in all promotional and advertising references that relate to the Performer and disseminated throughout any media (e.g. billboards, print, radio, television, Internet, satellite and point of sale of all Products herein agreed by promoter or company announcing the Performer). 3. Nothing herein contained shall constitute an obligation on Sponsor’s part to advertise or promote the Performer, it being understood Event Sponsorship – Exclusive Sponsorship Agreement . . . continued 11. The Sponsor shall have the Right to offer a single poster, T-shirts and other items as “premium merchandise” to the public featuring the identification of one or more of the Sponsor’s Products and Performer’s name and/or likeness; provided such items shall be subject to Performer’s prior approval as to quality, design, appropriateness and consumer value. Sponsor recognizes and agrees that the Performer shall be exploiting Merchandising Rights . . . continued 26. If, and only if agreed, the Performer grants the Sponsor permission to tape, record, film, by any and all means the image and voice and performance of the Performer during the Gig(s) and/or rehearsal(s) (herein called the “Record”) for, promotional and/or commercial purposes including broadcast on television, in movie theatres, on the radio, on the Internet, cassette tape, CD, DVD or by any other means now . . . continued 40. At its sole expense, the Sponsor shall furnish the stage, and stage lighting, sound and power for the Performance, and the Sponsor shall provide all stagehands required to . . . continuedMechanical License
Within the music industry, a mechanical license gives the holder permission to create copies of a recorded song or musical composition, a sound recording, which they did not write and/or do not have Copyright over. It is a music contract Agreement with the Copyright holder, the publisher, or the songwriter that allows the holder to reproduce the sound recording.
A mechanical license is not generally required for an artist who is recording and distributing her/his/their own work. This is also used by recording artists performing cover versions of songs and artists who do not typically write their own songs, as is typical in Country and Top 40 music.
This is a five page, fifteen clause legal music contract Agreement.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.
There are two forms of this music contract Agreement. The first music contract Agreement pays Royalties for the use of the Mechanical License. The second music contract Agreement a one time compensation/payment is made for use of the Mechanical License.
Mechanical License One Time Compensation

Mechanical License (Royalties)
Owner Name: _____________________________________________________ (Print Names) Area of Entertainment: ______________________________________________ Licensee Company: _______________________________________________ Licensee Company Representative: __________________________________ Project: _________________________________________________________ (records, cassettes, CDs, DVDs, Internet Downloads, etc.) Herein this Agreement is between the above named and below signed Owner of the musical composition(s) (herein called the “Owner”) and the above named and below signed purchaser of distribution Rights (herein called the “Licensee”). The Licensee is a going concern that specializes in the recording reproducing, marketing and selling musical compositions. The term “phonorecord(s)” or “records”, as used herein, means any and all methods of mechanically reproducing a musical Composition including, but not limited to the following: phonograph records, cassette tapes, digital audio tape, compact disc, Internet Download and any and all methods of reproducing a Composition, now known or in the future to come into existence. HENCE, in consideration of the promises, and of the mutual undertakings herein contained, and for other good and valuable considerations, the above named and below signed Owner and the above named and below signed Licensee agree as follows: 1. The Owner hereby grants to the Licensee the Right to record, reproduce, market and sell the musical composition(s) listed in Appendix “A” under each composition’s current title, including composer’s names (herein called the “Composition”) 2. The Owner warrants and represents that she/he/it is the sole and exclusive proprietor of a valid Copyright or License in …continued 10. Commencing with the signing of this Agreement and continuing for the term of this Agreement, the Licensee will diligently use her/his/its best efforts to secure distribution of the Recording throughout . . . continuedMusical Technical Advisor Agreement
A Master Producer and or an independent singer/vocalist, or independent musician or an independent band you may desire the advice and expertise of a Musical Technical Advisor. This music specialist will advise on the music selection, hiring of back-up singers/vocalist and musicians, instrumentation and engineering amongst other duties.
This is a comprehensively drafted seven page, fifteen clause legal music contract with music contract Clauses regarding but not limited to; consultation services, budgeting, confidentiality, studio times and hiring of back-up singer/vocalists and musicians, credits, compensation and dispute resolution.
This legal music contract between the independent Artist and the Producer is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.
There are two forms of this music contract Agreement. The first music contract Agreement the Musical Technical Advisor receives compensation of Royalties. The second music contract Agreement the Musical Technical Advisor receives a one time compensation/payment for services rendered.
Musical Technical Advisor Agreement (Advisor-for-hire) One Time Compensation

Musical Technical Advisor Agreement (Advisor for Hire) Royalties
Music Technical Advisor: _________________________________________ (Print Names) Music by: ______________________________________________________ Lyrics by: _______________________________________________________ Composition Name: _______________________________________________ Composition Genre: _______________________________________________ (for band, singer, group, film, music video, stage production, game show, commercial, etc) Producer Name: _______________________________________________ Production Company: ______________________________________________ Project Name: __________________________________________________ Project Genre: _________________________________________________ (film, music video, stage production, game show, etc) Herein this Agreement the band, Indie band, singer, vocal group, choral group or musical Producer, or any person who will publish the Composition commercially for profit herein is called the “Producer”. Herein this Agreement is between the above named and below signed Producer and/or Production Company (herein called the “Producer”) and the above named and below signed Music Technical Advisor(s) (herein called the “Advisor”). HENCE, in consideration of the promises, and of the mutual undertakings herein contained, and for other good and valuable considerations, the above named and below signed Advisor and the above named and below signed Producer agree as follows: 1. The Advisor shall render services as Musical Technical Advisor of the above named Project for the recording and mixing sessions detailed in Appendix “A”. 2 The Advisor shall provide any and all consultation services for, but not limited to, the following: orchestration, the arrangement of main and end theme(s), bumpers, buttons, cues, trailers, and any and all other music pertaining to Project as agreed and recorded in Appendix “B”. 3. In consultation with the Producer, the Advisor shall advise the Producer regarding the hiring of any and all back-up singer/vocalists and . . . continuedPyrotechnics Performer
Concert/Gig Contract
A Promoter or Producer will hire a pyrotechnics specialist for a performance or gig. This person must be a professional, with experience, training and knowledge and must be insurable.
This is a comprehensively drafted nine page, twenty-one clause legal music contract with Clauses regarding but not limited to: insurance, confidentiality regarding the pyrotechnics performer’s procedures, drugs and alcohol, advertising and promotion, merchandise sales compensation, parking, security and dressing room.
This music contract Agreement between the independent Pyrotechnics Performer/Specialist and the concert/gig Promoter is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.
There are two form of this music contract Agreement. The first music contract the Pyrotechnics performer must provide the insurance. The second music contract the concert/gig promoter must provide the insurance.
Pyrotechnics Performer Concert/Gig Contract (Promoter Insurance)

Pyrotechnics Performer Concert/Gig Contracts (Promoter Insurance)
Pyrotechnics Performer Name: _______________________________________ (Print Names) Manager Name: __________________________________________________ Promoter(s) Name: ______________________________________________ Promoter Company: _____________________________________________ Concert/Gig Date ________________________________________, 20 ____ Concert/Gig location: ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ This Concert/Gig Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between the above named and below signed Promoter(s) and Promoter Company (hereafter called the “Promoter”), and the above named and below signed Pyrotechnics Performer(s) and Manager (hereafter called the “Performer”). Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Promoter hereby engages the Performer as an “Independent Performer” to perform the pyrotechnics services set forth herein, and the Performer hereby accepts such engagement. 1. The Promoter hereby engages the Performer to render services in conjunction with the above named Concert/Gig (hereafter called the “Gig”), to perform such pyrotechnics activities as required by the Promoter and detailed in Appendix “A. 2. The Performer and Performer’s Management warrants and guarantees that the Pyrotechnics detailed in Appendix “A” are, legal to perform, have been tested and tried for safety, and are approved by any and all government or legal authorities. 3. The Promoter shall carry any and all Injury and Liability Insurance on any and all activities listed in Appendix “A” including any and all insurance coverage that may be required to cover any and all other Personnel, Participant and/or concert Attendee, on the Stage, Backstage and/or any and all places on the Gig Location. The pyrotechnics Performer shall have the Right to inspect the Promoter’s Pyrotechnics insurance coverage before any and all . . . continued 10.The Promoter shall be entitled to advertise and promote the appearance of Performer at the Gig. The Performer acknowledges that the Performer will rely on the terms hereof in all such promotions and advertising and in the brochures to be printed setting forth the names, dates and times of all Gigs to be held at the . . . continued 11. The Performer may sell Merchandise during the Gig as agreed with the promoter. Said merchandise shall consist of CD’s, tapes, phonographs, T-shirts, and any and all paraphernalia with . . . continuedSecurity at Concert/Gig
The Independent Filmmaker/Producer/Promoter will want to shoot a music video to promote a song. She/he/they must be aware of Set and Location Security because any shoot is a magnet for people, especially in this day of cell phones, messaging, tweeting and mini-video cameras. Innocent look-ee-loos will spoil a scene quickly not to mention intentional nuisances from drunks and inconsiderate people.
Security should be vigilant all the time because the equipment for a Project shoot is expensive and portable.
This is an extensive five page, eleven clause legal music contract including but now limited to the following clauses: confidentiality, bonded warranty, budget, drugs and alcohol and force majeure.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
This music contract Agreement between the independent Security and the Producer/Promoter is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.

Security on the Set and on Location Agreement Independent Security-for-Hire
Security Company name: __________________________________________ (Print Names) Security Official & Position: _________________________________________ Producer/Promoter(s) Name: _______________________________________ Producer/Promoter Company: _______________________________________ Project Name: ___________________________________________________ Project Genre: ___________________________________________________ (film, music video, stage production, game show, etc) 1. This is an Agreement between the above named Security Company and Personnel (herein called the “Security”), and the above named Producer/Promoter and/or the above named Producer/Promoter Company (hereinafter called the “Producer/Promoter”) for the provision of all necessary security services on any and all Sets and/or Locations. 2. The Security warrants that they are Bonded and carry current Liability Insurance on any and all Security Personnel on the Set and/or on Location. The Security warrants that there is a trained medical person amongst their Personnel on the Set and/or Location, at all times, unless otherwise agreed, recorded and signed. 3. The Sets and Locations requiring Security and an estimate of the dates on which Security is required shall be recorded in detail in Appendix “A”. Security shall provide the Producer/Promoter with a Budget and Personnel requirements for each and every Set and Location before this Agreement is signed. Said budget shall be . . . continuedSound and Lighting Agreement
A Producer of a concert or gig will require the services of a either an independent Sound and Light Specialist, or an independent Sound Specialist and an independent Light Specialist.
This is a comprehensively drafted eight page, seventeen clause legal music contract with Clauses regarding but not limited to: confidentiality, compensation, equipment, lighting and sound requirements, assistants, insurance, drugs and alcohol, parking and security.
These music contract Agreements between the independent Sound and Light Specialist, Independent Sound Specialist and Independent Light Specialist and the Producer is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts are based on the principles of contract law, are country neutral and may be used in Australia, Canada, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Sates or any country whose legal principles are based on the English or American Legal System.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers and are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.
This music contract Agreement comes in three forms. The first music contract form is for a specialist who performs both lighting and sound. The second music contract form is for a specialist performing lighting only. The third music contract form is for a specialist performing sound only.
Sound Specialist Agreement

Sound and Light Specialist Agreement
Sound and Light Specialist Name: ___________________________________ (Print Names) Sound and Light Company: _________________________________________ Producer(s)/Promoter(s) Name: _____________________________________ Production Company: ____________________________________________ Project Name: __________________________________________________ Project Genre: __________________________________________________ (gig, music video, stage production, game show, etc) Herein this Agreement is between the above named and below signed Producer(s)/Promoter(s) and/or Production Company (herein called the “Producer”) and the above named and below signed Sound and Light Specialist(s) (herein called the “Light and Sound Specialist”). HENCE, in consideration of the promises, and of the mutual undertakings herein contained, and for other good and valuable considerations, the above named and below signed Sound and Light Specialist(s) and the above named and below signed Producer agree as follows: 1. The Producer hereby employs the Sound and Light Specialist(s) to provide the sound equipment and lighting gear for the above named Project. All equipment to be provided for the Project is detailed in Appendix “A”. The Sound and Light Specialist hereby warrants that her/his equipment is adequate for the Project, and that the Sound and Light Specialist ’s Equipment listed in Appendix “A” is of durable and suitable quality for the Project. 2. The Sound and Light Specialist shall hire any and all Assistants as are necessary to ensure safe and proper set-up, operation, coordination and breakdown for the Gig. The Producer shall issue all-access permits to all designated Assistants of the Sound and Light Specialist, as listed in Appendix “D”, in advance of the Sound and Light Specialist’s arrival at the venue. The Producer shall be notified in advance of the Sound and Light Specialist’s arrival at the venue if there are any changes in the list of the Sound and Light Specialist’s personnel required to complete the terms of this Agreement. The Sound and Light Specialist will use only personnel directly connected to the production of the Project under the terms of this Agreement. 3. The Sound and Light Specialist and any and all Assistants (as notified by the Sound and Light Specialist), agree to maintain the confidential nature of any and all matters relating to the Project and not at any time to take any unauthorized . . . continued 4. The Producer shall carry any and all Injury and Liability Insurance for the Sound and Light Specialist on any and all activities listed in Appendix “A” including any and all insurance coverage that may be required to cover any and all other Personnel, Participant and/or performance Attendee, on the Stage, Backstage and/or any and all places on the Gig Location. The Sound and Light . . . continued 7. The Producer shall provide the electrical power and circuits necessary for the Sound and Light Specialist to perform her/his/their duties hereunder. The Sound and Light Specialist ‘s electrical requirements . . . continued 16. Should any portion of this Agreement prove to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall not affect the balance of this Agreement. This Agreement is guided by and governed by the Laws of the ____________________________ (county, state, province, country) shall be the place of execution and jurisdiction. . . . continuedSponsorship Agreement – Concert/Gig
Sponsorship Agreement
Band, Singer, Musician, Dancer
Concert /Gig
As an independent band, independent singer, independent musician or independent dancer you will want one or more businesses or companies to sponsor your concert or Gig.
This is an extensive ten page, twenty-eight clause legal music contract including but not limited to the following music contract Clauses: rehearsal locations, concert Hall/Gig location including staffing and insurance, stage hands, sound and lighting, advertising, merchandise sales, drugs and alcohol, copyright non-infringement, dressing rooms, and security.
This music contract Sponsorship Agreement is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. The music contract Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
We regularly receive feedback that we have successfully drafted our music contracts to be as complete as possible for all legal situations. However, should you experience a unique personal situation requiring the drafting of a special clause, please contact us at your convenience. Otherwise, you may be obliged to find a local entertainment lawyer experienced in the music industry who will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situation or circumstance.
Our music contracts provide legal protection for music writers and composers, music agents, music recorders, music producers, musicians and singers, music distributors and music marketers are used by: Alternative bands, Ambient musicians, Blues Bands and Blues singers, Classic Rock Tribute Bands, Choral Ensembles, Country and Western Bands, Country Rock Bands, Country singers, Dance Bands, Electric and Electronic Bands, Folk singers, Hip Hop singers, Jazz singers, Jazz Bands, Jazz ensembles, Polka Bands, Rap singers, Rap groups, Reggae Bands and Reggae singers, Religious Groups and Religious Bands, Religious Singers, R&B Groups, R&B Bands, R&B Singers, Rock Bands, and International Bands and International singers.
There are two music contract Forms of this music contract Agreement. The one music contract Agreement the Performer provides a performance gratis and has Rights to sell performer merchandise. The second music contract Agreement the Performer is paid for their performance and has Rights to sell performer merchandise.
There are two forms of the Agreement. The first contract the performer is not being given a cash compensation but the performer can sell products at the Gig and gets exposure and experience. The second music contract the sponsor is paying the performer for their services.
Sponsorship Agreement – Concert/Gig – for Pay

Sponsorship Agreement – for Pay Band, Singer, Musician, Dancer Concert/Gig
Performer Name: _______________________________________________ (Print Names) Manager Name: ________________________________________________ Sponsor(s) Name: ________________________________________________ Sponsor(s) Company: _____________________________________________ Sponsor(s) Representative(s) : ______________________________________ Concert/Gig name: ______________________________________________ Concert/Gig Date ________________________________________, 20 ____ Concert/Gig location: ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ The Independent Band, Independent Singer(s), Independent Dancer(s) and Independent Musician(s) herein this Agreement are referred to as the “Performer”. This Sponsorship Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), for the above named Concert/Gig is entered into by and between the above named and below signed the Sponsor(s) and the Sponsor(s) Company (hereafter called the “Sponsor”), and the above named and below signed Performer(s) and Manager (hereafter called the “Performer”). Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Sponsor hereby engages the Performer as an “Independent Performer” to perform the services set forth herein, and the Performer hereby accepts such Gig. 1. The Sponsor hereby engages the Performer to render services in conjunction with the above named Concert/Gig (hereafter called the “Gig”), to perform such activities as required by the Sponsor and detailed in Appendix “A. 2. The Sponsor shall carry any and all Injury and Liability Insurance for the Performer on any and all activities listed in Appendix “A” including any and all insurance coverage that may be required to cover any and all other Personnel, Participant and/or concert Attendee, on the Stage, Backstage and/or any and all places on the Gig Location. The Performer shall have the Right to inspect the Sponsor insurance coverage before any and all activities detailed in Appendix “A” are performed. This is a condition to this Agreement and agreed by all Parties to this Agreement and inadequate or no insurance will void this Agreement instantly. 3. The Sponsor agrees to furnish at his/her/their own expense for each performance and rehearsal, the concert hall or theater or location(s) of the Gig, properly heated, ventilated, lighted, clean, in good order and . . . continued 10. If, and only if agreed, the Performer grants the Sponsor permission to tape, record, film, by any and all means the image and voice and performance of the Performer during the Gig(s) and/or rehearsal(s) (herein called the “Record”) for, promotional and/or commercial purposes including broadcast on television, in movie theatres, on the radio, on the Internet, by satellite, . . . continued 18. The Performer represents and warrants that he/she/they are knowledgeable about the Copyright laws of the relevant jurisdiction as applicable to the Gig, and that the Performer shall not perform any copyrighted materials of others during the Gig without full compliance with . . . continued 26. In the event that the Performance of any of the covenants of this Agreement on the part of the Sponsor or Performer shall be prevented by act of God, physical disability, the acts and regulations of public authorities, or labor unions, labor difficulties, strike, civil tumult, war, epidemic, interruption or delay of transportation service or any cause beyond . . . continued