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ch district - contrust
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ch district – contrust

videoby Aubo Lessi parkink.net ch district aka Miroslaw Matyasik started his artistic activity in 1996 and became part of the silesian ambient scene. The basis of his activity as a musician is the one man project CH DISTRICT, connecting the tradition of industrial music with contemporary “intelligent electronic” productions He is cooperating with the performance/video art group “SUKA OFF”, supporting them as an actor as well as with original music productions. In the years 1998-2001 he published at his own expense two CDs – “Pneuma-ti-coi” and “Continuance”. In 2002 CH DISTRICT signed a contract with the french label M-TRONIC. The first official record – split with the Dutch artist DUUSTER – was well received in Poland, but mainly in France and the United States. At the beginning of 2005 came out the second CH DISTRICT lp recorded for the Parisian label – “SLIDES” www.chdistrict.com/ www.myspace.com/chdistrict

“This is the great challenge of my life”, observed Berlioz, as he began writing his first opera, “Benvenuto Cellini”. And, ironically, the composer was right, as the work proved a difficult child to raise: the censors required that Pope Clement VII be replaced by a cardinal; the music alarmed choristers and orchestral players; the date of the first performance was put back several times. When the work finally received its first performance on 10 September 1838 (taking up six months worth of rehearsals), two or three pieces were greeted with rousing applause, while the rest was hissed. A further two performances took place on 12 and 14 September followed by a last one on 11 January (1839), after which only the first act was performed three times in February and March. And that was all. Not counting, though, a rather more successful revival of the work with many alterations by Liszt in London and Weimar in the 1850s. The story, though slightly wacky, is surprisingly interesting and, dare I say it, Shakespearean, tautly cohesive in its episodes, mingling with abandon different modes, from the burlesque to the tragic. “Everything in it is serious but in a comical way “, as Hugh Macdonald says. The narrative is as follows: Benvenuto Cellini, a famous sculptor under contract, during the work’s narrative, to create a statue of Perseus for the Pope, has fallen in love with Teresa, the daughter of the Pope’s treasurer, Balducci, and asks her (and receives an enthusiastic approval
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