Can you buy a song on yahoo music with out getting the unlimited service?
Question by $eroe: Can you buy a song on yahoo music with out getting the unlimited service?
okay i wanna buy this song by itself right, i downloaded the program and everything, and i was just about to buy it untill i saw the terms of agreement, which come out on every thing you download, and it said that i’m agreeing to the unlimited “permanent” purchase. and i just wanna buy one song only thats it! not the whole unlimited thing. I dont wanna end up paying for something i didnt want. Can Some one help me with this please. asap if you can.
Best answer:
Answer by Rigo
-Don’t buy ANYTHING from the yahoo music service-.
The service will be shutting down soon, and it will take it’s DRM protection keys with it. Meaning anything you buy will be worthless and unusable should something happen to your machine that wipes out the licenses.
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