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Best speed training for fast twitch muscles - Sprint Faster
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Best speed training for fast twitch muscles – Sprint Faster

SpeedTrainingChallenge.com – to get free speed training instructions. For speed fast muscles are more important than strong muscles – yet making your muscles faster is almost always ignored. Yes, strong muscles are important, but they will not contract nearly as quickly as fast muscles. Visit the speed training challenge website SpeedTrainingChallenge.com To find out why this program far outperforms speed training drills or weight lifting workouts for getting faster and why many are amazed at their results – listen to or download the speed training seminar recording or transcript here www.musclespeed.com Muscle speed is accomplished by conditioning your fast twitch muscle fibers for their natural ability to contract with amazing speed and acceleration. Whether your sport is football, soccer, track, baseball or basketball, fast muscle speed can not be accomplished with the same speed training workouts used for muscle strength, namely heavy workouts with repetitions. Speed training with resistance bands and isometrics using short training sessions is the very best way to isolate and condition your fast twitch fibers for speed – and to run faster than ever before. Training the correct muscles for faster sprinting speed is also ignored in most speed training programs. For example, your thigh flexor muscles are considered to be the primary muscle group involved in sprinting. Even though the thigh flexors are among the strongest muscle groups in the body, and crucial for you to