Accepted For Value Winston Shrout 2

Accepted For Value Winston Shrout … All these Winston Shrout videos relate to the same matter .. Claiming back Your right, and personal control of Your Bond, & Life. Accepted for Value … Accepted for Value 2 … You Own A Bond Accessing You Bond Waiver Benefit Privilege Waiver Benefit Privilege 2 Declaratory Judgement 1 Declaratory Judgement 2 Declaratory Judgement 3 “What I can say to you about Accepted For Value is, it is 100% applicable to the UK, and it is 100% correct for use in the UK in its current bankrupt state, I say current it was Bankrupt in 1869, evidenced by the Bankruptcy Act of 1869 now located and understood, we are in fact in the equivalent to a (Chapter 11) Bankruptcy which is Debtors in Possession. Not only do we show this piece of damming legislation as evidence of the bankruptcy but we also have the Amendment to the Gold Standards Act 1925 better known as Bill 227 or 277 if Hansards have it correct which dissolved the connection to Gold in our currency as the bill was finally passed on the 21 of September 1931, hence why we now operate Fiat Currency which is backed by the tax or labour of the citizens, furthermore to back up the Bankruptcy claim is double entry bookkeeping which is just a claim and counter claim balancing exercise. Whatever you chose to research we ARE in full bankruptcy, and so in …