Can someone explain to me what is means when you bid on business. Like for business contracts and stuff.?
Question by It’s MEEEE!!!!: Can someone explain to me what is means when you bid on business. Like for business contracts and stuff.?
I want to help my dad run a small family owned business and I want to learn more about business and stuff
Best answer:
Answer by mdntfever
ok, lets say customer calls and ask you if you are interested in doing a job for them. well they have all so done this with some other companys as well. so what you have to do is check out the job ,see what they want then give them and bid of what you are willing to do the job for. this bid will have labor cost,time it will take you,and cost of items . you will be providing this information in group totals and not detailed listings. this normally take a lot of time to learn.
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