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Harassed by neighbor and now eviction ?
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Harassed by neighbor and now eviction ?

Question by thelastkiss113: Harassed by neighbor and now eviction ?
Ok — this is a long story but I will try to keep it short. When I first moved into my apartment I requested maintenence on a few things in the bathroom. The property manager did not respond, instead he added me to his myspace/facebook site. Confused, I put the maintenance request in writing 2-3 months later and mentioned that the property manager should not be using business information for personal use. My maintenance request was responded to prompty, twice actually. I called and repeatedly complained that the neighbor next door snored so loud I could hear it through the walls. with no response, If the neighbor snored to loud I knocked on our neighboring wall. The neighbor showed up at my front door asking why I kept knocking, and I explained to him I hadn’t slept for 3 months because of his snoring. I offered him snoring medication, or asked him to move his bed against another wall (as I had already done) . I told him that I had exhausted all options (earplugs, music, etc) The neighbor responded that he would do no such thing but that he had a right to snore. (Mind you, I have been walking on eggshells around the other neighbors, on asked me not to smoke on my front porch, even though I really could i did not)

Ok, so the next time he snored, I knocked on the wall again. the next day he comes over banging on my front for for nearly an hour and peeking through my windows like a mad man. He harassed me until I stopped answer the door, and apparently he reported me to the company.

I go on vacation — I come back, and I have an eviction notice on my front door with no written explanation. I had called and complained that the neighbor was harassing me, I come back and I have an eviction notice. What should I do? the rental company has been terrible at responding to maintenence requests, the property manager stalked me on myspace, my neighbor harassed me and peeked through my windows several nights in a row. Why am I getting evicted? is it because I complained about things that logically to me shouldn’t be happening? Are they scared I am going to sue? should I file a restraining order against the neighbor who is looking through my windows? should I sue the property management company, or not pay my next months rent. i have a feeling they will also try to screw me out of my security deposit and I need enough $ $ to move. Basically what can I legally do that won’t affect me / my co-signer’s credit

thanks so much

I forgot to mention that ever since this has all happened, and before when the neighbor moved in, he has continuously been peeping in my window and playing pornography rather loudly. I’m a female who lives by myself. Can I ask someone to ask him to stop doing this? I feel unsafe in my house because he’s like a peeping tom
Also instead of responding to complaints, my PROPERTY MANAGER stalked me on MYSPACE…which i have evidence for. i once never responded. I’m moving out for sure, but isn’t it illegal to use My information from a business for private use?

Best answer:

Answer by kimmamarie
First of all, your neighbor snoring, even though loud, is NOT your concern. This is where tenants get confused. If they want absolute silence, they need to rent a house, not an apartment. You banging on HIS wall while he is sleeping, is in fact harrassing HIM. And over something he has no control over. Also, it is nothing that the landlord can control either. Because the neighbor is banging on your door after you banged on his wall while sleeping, it is not called harrassment. Its called anger. I would be angry at you too.
While I commend you on not smoking in a common area when asked, that is so way different than snoring. You can control your smoking. And the only place you should be smoking in IS your own space, not a space that others are in also (called common areas).
Obviously those other neighbors that you say you walk on eggshells for, have also filed complaints against you in addition to the snorer. Therefore the landlord has chosen to evict the cause of the problem. And he doesnt even have to tell you why he is evicting you. He simply doesnt want you there.Even though you dont think so, you seem to be the problem here. They seem to have gotten along peacefully without you living there before.
For future references:
Maintenance requests are usually always required in writing, not calling.
Complaints are always in writing also, followed up by police reports if bad enough.
Snoring is not harrassment and not something easily cured.
No apartments are perfect. It just depends on how nit picky you are or controlling you are.
If you want things your own way, buy a house. But just remember, you cant control those neighbors either.
I just noticed that you said you had a co-signer. Is this your first apt, do you have bad credit, or were you evicted from somewhere else to need a cosigner?
Pay your rent or they go after the cosigner and his credit. You have no basis to sue anybody or even break a lease if you have one. Your actions will fall back on your cosigner because he guaranteed your behavior and actions. Also, dont look to be getting your deposit back for 30 to 45 days AFTER you have moved out. Then they do their complete inspection and return any deposit you have coming back. They do not give it back to your right away so that you have money to move out. And if it was your cosigners money, they give it back to him, not you.

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