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Q&A: how many songs do you have to write to make a demo?also any in the music business?
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Q&A: how many songs do you have to write to make a demo?also any in the music business?

Question by Breeluvsjb: how many songs do you have to write to make a demo?also any in the music business?
ok so how many songs do you need to make a demo cd?i have like two songs written but im writing more and more hopefully soon.anyone in the music business like for the younger singers.like around the 12 to 15 area.so no hate comments or else.

Best answer:

Answer by i2keen4u
No more than five songs should be in a music demo. Make sure you put your best songs first.

1. You must have good music. This may seem pretty obvious, but you’d be surprised how many bands never get signed and don’t understand that this is the reason. We’re not talking about “good” as in taste (which is great news for the Backstreet Boys). We mean “good” in the sense of talent and experience.

2. You must look “signable.” No one will want to sign you unless you’re going to make them money. As such, you and your band must be confident, experienced, dedicated, and have it together (in other words, you must look like you will bring in money). Unless you’re the next Beatles, there are a thousand other bands like you – so make yourself stand out from the rest by being professional from the beginning.

3. You must have a professional-looking demo package. In the music industry, image and first impressions are the name of the game; for the unsigned band, your demo package is the first (and usually only) impression a record label will have of you and your music. As a result, it should be as attractive, informative, and to-the-point as possible.

Go to PhantomCityStudio.com/Demo_Submission for details on how to send your demo to Phantom City Studio in Orlando, Florida for a chance to GET SiGNED and get a record deal with Phantom City Studio’s Record Label.

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