8GB MP4 + MP3 Player with FM Transmitter (3 Inch LCD) wmv

Visit the website: www.cheapelectronics.fr You will find much more. 8GB MP4 + MP3 Player with FM Transmitter (3 Inch LCD) for enjoying high quality video and audio in and out of the car! If you like to take your music and videos with you everywhere you go, then you will absolutely love this MP4 + MP3 Player. This MP4 + MP3 Player player supports a wide range of video formats with no conversion required, including Real Media (RM), RMVB, and MP4 files. Enjoy your favorite movies, TV shows, and video clips on a 3 inch screen with seamless playback, clear images, and high quality picture. Stop wasting your time converting files and start enjoying your favorite videos. Absolutely no setup is required to use this MP4 + MP3 player in your car. Just choose an FM station to broadcast to, plug in the earphones to act as an antenna, and press play. That’s it! You will love listening to all of your favorite tunes straight from your car speakers. With 8GB of internal memory and the ability to support a micro SD card up to another 8GB, you’ll have plenty of room to store all of your favorite videos and music. Easy to read menus and simple navigation let you can keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on more important things, like the headlights of the hottie in the next lane. When you have to leave your car, the fun is just beginning! Just plug in the earphones and slip the MP4 + MP3 player into your pocket. A thin profile and long battery life let you enjoy your music and videos …
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