WWE Raw: Can the IWC Truly Do Better?
Question by Jarek C: WWE Raw: Can the IWC Truly Do Better?
I’ve noticed for quite some time that the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community) tend to find great fault with mainstream wrestling promotions (WWE & TNA) the way they are run, the Superstars that are pushed, the events, the show quality & the quality of the Pay Per Views. Most of us constantly suggest changes and edits that they think most would agree would increase the quality of the product. Anyone who looks at my past questions could see that I have attempted some by asking questions which generally receive good responses.
So in light of this I am going to ‘attempt’ at creating an episode of Raw, or at least the frame-work for such to see if I myself could write a better show. To those who decide to look at it, I’d only ask for some sort of grade, stars for example which are used to grade matches in this day & age. The show itself, or the matches individually. Also excuse the length, i’ll attempt to keep it relatively to the point.
:: Opening Segment ::
•Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole• Welcome the crowd & viewers to another edition of Monday Night Raw; according to Cole the, “longest running episodic television program in history” Jerry Lawler promises the fans a fantastic show packed while at the same time announcing the mystery of the new General Manager of Raw to be announced later on. After announcing it leads to the first match
•Kelly Kelly• Comes down to the ring with a fairly decent pop for a Divas match. She shakes the hands of some fans on the side of the ramp before climbing into the ring striking a pose on the turn buckle.
•Jillian Hall• Her music plays and she comes halfway down the ramp carrying a microphone. She demands that her music be cut off, and the nominally booing crowd begins to quiet down. Jillian then proceeds to cut a promo angrily addressing the WWE, as a company that has completely disgraced the sport of woman’s wrestling. Stating that all they do is put them in skimpy slutty looking outfits, throw them in Playboy magazines and take no talented hack models off the street and put them in the ring, and call them ‘wrestlers’. She directs this all on Kelly Kelly who she names one of the biggest insults to woman’s wrestling. Jillian states that she will no longer consider herself a ‘Diva’ and won’t tolerate ‘Divas’ to call themselves wrestlers. She angrily throws the microphone down and charges into the ring.
The match goes all of 4 minutes, during which Kelly Kelly is physically destroyed by Jillian’s arsenal of technical wrestling/mat/striker & a few power moves. Not because she’s a heel, or because of the promo, but because she is a talented wrestler and Kelly Kelly is a model. She finishes the match by demonstrating her ability to perform the 450 Splash on Kelly Kelly, then leaves with an accomplished smirk on her face.
•Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole• Recount on the beating Kelly Kelly receive before turning their attention to the ring where JBL stands to defend his Intercontinental Title against the first ‘punk’ who wants to get beaten by a ‘Wrestling God’
•Paul & Katie Lea Burchil come down the ramp; the former of the two grinning maliciously while Katie Lea coaches and eggs him on. As usual Bradshaw is sporting a bit of a dazed but confident look while he tries to analyze Paul Burchill from a distance.
Paul gets in the ring and the match starts. All in all it goes 10 minutes, with Paul gaining the upper hand towards the middle of the match due to JBL’s low stamina. JBL in desperation attempts to hit the Clostheline From Hell, but Burchill ducks, catches him with his Signature Neck-breaker and picks up the 3 count. Burchill takes the title and grins as the camera fades to commercial.
•King & Cole• Welcome the fans back from the commercial break and show replays of Burchills match with JBL; then cut to a small interview on Burchill from Tod Grisham, Burchill states that he’ll hold the title and prove in time that he’s the best in the business.
Cole & King then discuss the rumors of a new General Manager before being cut off by the precense of Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase who come down to the ring.
The two begin their segment by reiterating that they are both Priceless, and because of their phenomenal talent and ability they are above every other tag team in the WWE. They go on to insult the crowd then proclaim themselves to be the future WWE Tag Team Champions (As the unified belts would be held by Carlito & Primo Colon)
They are in turn interrupted by the music of Cryme Tyme as JTG and Shad stand on the stage with two microphones, neither appearing to be happy or in their usual celebrating mood. JTG begins by telling them to ‘shut the hell up’ Cryme Tyme then cut their own promo on Priceless, telling them and the fans that they are tired of the mediocre push they’ve been gotten. That despite having been in the WWE for so long, they don’t get any sort of rewards for their work. Wh
While Cody and Ted, who have only been there for a short while, have already had 2 shots at the Titles and are going on the third. Cryme Tyme announce that they are tired of fooling around and that they are going to take matters into their own hands. They demand that a referee come down and they start an impromptu match.
– The match begins; Cryme Tyme become relentless using underhanded tactics to distract the referee from the Heel moves they use. In all of 8 minutes they take Priceless apart piece by piece and leave them broken and battered in the ring. The referee calls the match, proclaiming that Cody and Ted are no longer able to compete. JTG takes the mic and issues a warning to the other Tag Teams to stay out of the title run because Cryme Tyme are going to tear through anyone who stands in their way to get them, ending with the signature, ‘yeah yeah’ before leaving.
•Jerry Lawler & Cole• After returning from the commercial break comment on how strange things have no become o
become on Raw replaying scenes from the first three matches in confusion before announcing that it’s time to learn who the new General Manager of Raw will be. The lights and attention then focus on the stage.
Randy Orton’s music begins to play as the Legend Killer slowly saunters to the stage amidst a sea of boos while the King asks Cole in a surprised tone if Randy Orton is the new General Manager or if he’s just there to cause more trouble. Randy comes down to the ring and gets in. He proceeds to issue challenges to the new GM; boasting of how he ‘single handily’ took down the mighty Mchmahon family and the almighty Triple H; promising to do the same to any official who stands in his way.
Orton’s tirade is interrupted by the widely known “Woo!” or Ric Flair’s music. The legend slowly comes down the ramp in a new business suit and promptly gets into the ring slowly sizing Orton up before cheering to the crowd.
Flair promises as Raw’s new GM that the show will be run the right way.
That romances with the wrestlers won’t become a problem with his management (as he is happily married) and that he won’t be intimidated by them either. He later turns to Orton and promises to right the wrongs the Legend Killer and various other Superstars have committed in the past. He mentions among these wrongs that CM Punk’s career as World Heavyweight Champion was doused due to Orton and because of that Punk will be given a chance to return to the Main Event level and enter the World title bracket. He sets the stage for the Main Event of the show, Randy Orton vs CM Punk then promptly leaves after a well placed ‘Woo’ to Orton’s face.
The rest of the show goes along smoothly. There is one short interview with Ric Flair, asking about what his goals are as the Raw GM, to which he only promises that things will become more interesting, and that the young talent will be given the chance to step up.
The next set of matches go by, and we are treated to the likes of, Kofi Kingston vs Mike Knox, where the former is soundly beaten following a “Trouble in Paradise’. Next on the card would be Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio, where the former wins after catching Rey’s legs in the 619, pulling him through the ropes and locking him in the Walls of Jericho.
•Lilian Garcia interviews CM Punk about his chance to return to the Main Event level of competition, and whats more, a chance to put to bed the grudge he’s had against Randy Orton for ceasing his World Title reign. Punk does nothing more then promise that he’ll prove once and for all that he’s the real deal, and that Orton will get punked out.
•Todd Grisham interviews Randy Orton about the match and CM Punk’s interview, asking Orton about his thoughts, especially with Ted & Cody out of the way. Orton dismisses Cody & Ted as worthless, focusing more on Punk; he proclaims him to be nothing more then a minor nuisance who needs to be
with once and for all.
CM Punk & Orton come down to the ring one after the other as the match starts. It gets a full 15 minutes with no commercial breaks. The fight itself goes back and forth with Orton & punk initially trading punches and chops. Orton gets the upper hand at first but the match evens out towards the middle and end. After knocking Punk down, Orton stalks him then goes for the RKO. Punk however latches on to Orton and uses the momentum to slam him on to the mat, followed by locking him in the Anaconda Vice. Orton tries to worm his way out of the hold but in the end taps out. Despite the fact Orton has tapped, Punk continues to hold him in the lock, increasing it’s torque for a few extra seconds before he angrily releases him. Punk regains his composure then proceeds to pander to
to the crowd.
•The show ends with the Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole commenting on the match and CM Punk’s victory before shifting on to wonder what sort of surprises Ric Flair has in store for Raw. With the last camera shot taken of CM Punk’s wide grin as he stands atop a turnbuckle.
Again, I apologize for the length.
Show: ____ / 5 stars
Matches _____ /5 stars
Best answer:
Answer by Arch Angel of Helm
I really like it, I like the change of pace. However I do not like Wrestlers acknowledging the scripted aspect of things so I wouldn’t haven’t Cryme Tyme talk about their “push” Maybe that they haven’t gotten the proper “respect”
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!