Wrestling and Sports Fans, I ask your advice.?
Question by Gohan Reborn: Wrestling and Sports Fans, I ask your advice.?
Finally, I will be doing the videos I’ve wanted to do. I’ve always been a fan of debating (Not arguing, there is a difference), and since I consider myself a big fan of sports, I decided to do a Youtube Channel on Sports Debates. From Wrestling, to Baseball to Basketball, If I feel it’s important enough to have it’s own debate I will do it.
The first debate I will do is on John Cena. The Script is below. Just wondering what you think? Thanks in advance.
John Cena. He is a Three-Time WWE Champion, Three-Time United States Champion,
and a two-time Tag Team Champion. Pretty impressive resume since starting
in the WWE only 6 years ago. He is possibly the most recognizable face
ever to come out of the WWE, since The Immortal Hulk Hogan, and The Rock.
Yet, nowadays it seems the majority of the people hate him. Ever check out
Wrestling forums online? 9 out of 10 people Hate Cena. I’m not exactly the
biggest John Cena fan either, but I do not hate him in the least. Roaming the
Internet it seems the following 5 reasons are why people supposedly hate him.
1. He Only Knows 5 Moves
Now, Is John Cena the most technical, or the most gifted wrestler the WWE
has ever had? No. But he’s far from the worst. 5 moves is quite a bit of an
exageration. I say he uses 6 or 7 moves on a frequent basis besides the basic
punches, kicks and throws. Also as far as I know, WWE restricts the moveset pool
their characters can use. Also he is a heavyweight. Most Big Wrestlers such as
Kane, Batista, The Big Show, Khali, Umaga, Snitzky have very limited movesets.
2.The Only People who like John Cena are little kids and girls.
Is this really his fault? To Be honest I feel this is the stupidest argument
anyone could come up with if you’re legitimatly trying to say Cena is a bad
Wrestler/Entertainer. What it is is jealousy. He’s a role model to little kids
and it just so happens that female fans happen to find him attractive. And
why shouldn’t he be a role model? Hard working, He’s built, is seen everywhere from
movies, TV, music…c’mon.
3.Cena has terrible Mic Skills
Cena is not the greatest person to ever don a mic. He’s nowhere as talented
as Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Mr. Kennedy, jericho or MVP. Like what he says or not, he
is a great public speaker. He is comfortable speaking in front of the audience,
being funny or serious as the script needs him to be, while still being interesting and
entertaining at the same time.
4. He gets pushed too often/Has the Title for too long.
First off Cena has more than a year without the championship. So it’s been quite a while
since he held any major title. There have been 8 Heavyweight title changes since he
last held the title. Stop Bitching about that title reign. As for him being
constantly pushed to main event, Yes I will agree on that. He is pushed more than he
should, but this is WWE Creative’s choice and not his.
5. He never loses/Cena = Superman
He’s only had a handful on clean single’s losses since ’07. HBK in London, HHH at NoC,
Batista at GaB, just to name a few. And even when he lost to Batista they tried to sell
that Batista was only 3 second’s better. He was and still is the Poster boy of the WWE.
They’re not going to ask the Poster boy to lose. Just ask HHH and Hulk Hogan that.
In conclusion, I’m not asking you to start Cheering for John Cena. To be honest most of
the time I’m not cheering for him either. I feel if you’re a wrestling fan though he
deserves your respect. He is an extremly hard worker, promotes the WWE tirelessly. He sells
merchandise, and has singlehandly brought thousands of fans to the WWE since his debut in 2006.
Cena should be commended for his work ethic, and his dedication to his job. As a human being he is
a great role model to everybody not just little kids.
The video will be up tommorow night
I couldn’t choose between Madison and Dragon’s answer. Great answers… Putting this to vote.
Best answer:
Answer by #1 Batista Fan
oh my god u are damn right
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!