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Within these dire economic times, is it the right time to open a start-up business?

Question by nativeshout: Within these dire economic times, is it the right time to open a start-up business?
I have a pretty innovative idea for a digital music distribution company. The digital music industry continues to grow over 40% over the last three years. I’ve been working on this business for about a year and planned to launch the company officially this summer. Although I am a little worried about continuing with my plans based on the current economic tides.

Should I go ahead with my plans?

Best answer:

Answer by HeyDonny
It’s hard to say.
Go with your gut feeling.
If you are investing a large sum of money to get it up and going, I’d give it some more thought.
If you require money from investors or loans from banks, they will answer your question for you. (No Loan)

People are not spending money on items that are not necessary to everyday living.

Good Luck.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!