why should we bail out all these people who can’t help themselves?
Question by dreamer: why should we bail out all these people who can’t help themselves?
bailing out all these people who got into these subprime mortgages for example, they signed the contract, they saw the terms, now they wanna cry b/c they can’t afford the high interest and are losing their home. It’s called living within your means, if you cannot afford the mortgage then don’t buy the damn house. Why should those people’s bad financial problems be the rest of our problems? As for the economy, in my town it is booming, unemployment is at a record low in the area, and new jobs are coming to the area as I speak. If there are no jobs where you live, then move or get a longer commute, and get off the welfare.
Aww I love you too Philospher 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by lucy lou
did you see the one about the shack that was worth 18,000 and had like over $ 100,000 mortage on it and the woman hadn’t worked in 13yrs? yeah, that stupidty pisses me off too.
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